Page 79 of A Game Of Love

Thankfully, no one is by the basement door when I come up. I head right for the laundry room, quickly starting a load before heading up to my room and showering.

Once I’m all ready for today–dressed in a cute pumpkin and ghost skirt, an orange top, and black and orange striped stockings–I head down to the kitchen, stomach growling as it demands to be fed.

When I get down there, I find my brothers and Toby sitting at the table.

“Morning, sweetie,” Mom greets me, pressing a kiss to my cheek as I pass by her. “Happy Halloween.”

“Happy Halloween,” I reply back, taking a seat at the table, across from Toby.

He grins, giving me a wink.

I try my hardest not to grin back or blush. But it’s nearly impossible.

Moving my eyes from him, I find Bennett with a funny look on his face as his eyes dart between the two of us.

Trying my best to act like nothing is going on, I give my brother a smile. “So, Benny, what are you up to tonight? Gonna go Trick-or-treating with the twins?”

Bennett snorts a laugh. “What am I, five? No, I’m not going out with the twins.”

“Ahh, nothing wrong with going Trick-or-treating as a teenager. We did.” I look to Toby.

“I didn’t say I wasn’t going out, I mean, hello, free candy. I meant that I’m not going with the twins. Some friends and I are going.”

“Oh.” My smile brightens. “That's awesome.”

He leans in, eyes flicking up to Mom’s before looking back to me. “Easton is going to be there too.”

My brows raise. “And how do you feel about that?”

He shrugs. “We’re still not on speaking terms. He’s been avoiding me at all costs. But his new girlfriend is Freddy’s sister.” He rolls his eyes, scoffing at the word girlfriend. “And she’s going with us too.”

My heart hurts for him. Not only did he lose his best friend, his first love crushed him before it could even become something.

“I say do your best to act like he’s not there and enjoy your time out with your friends. He’s not worth it, Bennett.”

He narrows his eyes. “You're one to talk,” he scoffs, looking at Toby then back to me.

My cheeks heat. “Okay, fair point.”

“Here you go,” Mom says, kissing the top of my head as she places a plate of ghost-shaped pancakes in front of me.


Once we’re done eating, I get a text from Bishop letting me know he’s outside waiting.

“Ready?” I ask Toby.

“Yup,” he says, getting up from the table.

“See you later,” I tell everyone, waving goodbye and following Toby out to the front.

When we get outside, Rain is there, sitting on the bench, coffee in hand. “Have fun, you two.” She gives us an amused smile.

I can’t look her in the eye. “Bye, Mama,” I say quickly before rushing to Bishop’s jeep.

Getting into the front seat, I close the door behind me.

“What's the rush?” Bishop asks with a laugh.