Page 7 of A Game Of Love

You know what, never mind, I don’t want him to stop. I think I might cry if he does, and I’ve done enough of that to last me a lifetime.

“Okay,” I whimper. “No sex. But please, don’t stop.”

“I don’t think I could, even if I wanted to. And trust me, baby, I never want to stop.” He growls, one of his hands grabbing the back of my head as he crashes his lips back to mine.

Using the other hand, he grips my hip, holding me in place as he lifts up to thrust himself against me.

We’re a mess right now, nothing but pure raw passion as we work one another to the edge.

“Fuck. Lilly,” he groans in pain, sucking my lower lip into his mouth before biting down. “I’m gonna cum if we don’t stop.”

“Then cum,” I pant against his lips, eyes wide with wild need. “Cum with me, Bishop. Please, don’t stop.”

“Fuck,” he grunts, his forehead pressing to mine.

Eyes open, we stare at one another, lips parted while breathing heavily. Our breaths mingle together as we rush towards the finish line.

The car is rocking, the windows are fogged up, and if anyone was walking by, they would think the worst of what's going on in here. But I don’t care. I don’t care about anything at this moment except the two of us.

“Dammnit,” he whispers, rocking me faster. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

The thickness of his cock rubs against my clit perfectly. One, two, three more thrusts, and I’m shattering.

“Bishop!” I gasp, my nails digging into the leather of the seat as I try to keep myself from collapsing onto him. My orgasm crashes into me, sparks of pleasure lighting my pussy up like the damn fourth of July.

My eyes roll back as I shudder in his arms, my body controlled by my climax.

A moment later, he’s joining me in his own release. “Fucking hell,” he shouts, thrusting his hips up as he frantically rocks against me. Then he’s holding me down against him, little shallow rocks, as I feel his cock pulsing inside his jeans.

The sounds that leave him have my pussy fluttering in delight. Pure masculine pleasure. So fucking hot.

Tucking my face into his neck, I snuggle into his body, letting him wrap his arms around me.

We sit there, allowing ourselves to catch our breath, reveling in the high of one another.

I could stay in this moment, in his arms, for a lifetime. He smells good, and his hand feels amazing as he rubs it up and down my back while my heartbeat settles back to normal.

“Lil–” Bishop starts before we both jolt in fright when someone bangs against the car window.

My eyes widen in horror as I stare at Bishop's worried ones.

“Campus security. If you’re done in there, I suggest you leave the car now and head to your dorm before I’m forced to call the police.”

“Oh my god!” I squeak out as mortification washes over me, hands flying to cover my mouth. “Oh my god, Bishop, what do we do?” I’m absolutely humiliated right now. Oh my god, Bee is never going to let me hear the end of this when she finds out. Oh god, fuck my life.

“All good!” Bishop calls out, his face breaking into an amused grin. “We were just heading in now.”

The security guard lets out a grunt of acknowledgment, muttering something about horny young adults before we hear the sounds of his receding footsteps.

Bishop bursts into laughter, and I mean full-blown belly laughs.

“It’s not funny!” I scold him, slapping at his shoulder.

“You gotta admit, babe.” He chuckles, catching his breath. “It is, a little bit.”

“You suck.” I glare at him.

“Not what you thought a few minutes ago when your greedy little pussy used me for its pleasure.”