Page 39 of A Game Of Love

“You have to go.” Lilly giggles. I brush my lips against the curve of her jaw, making her shiver.

My hands grip her waist, pulling her closer, tightening my grip. I don’t want to go. I want to stay here, with her in my arms. The sweet smell of her coconut shampoo, the taste of her minty lips... I’d much rather be with my girlfriend than out on the ice with a bunch of sweaty men.

“Five more minutes,” I grumble, pressing soft kisses to her throat.

She sighs, leaning into my touch and I grin. She doesn’t want me to leave. So, I’m staying.

“Tell that to the coach when you miss practice,” she protests. I don’t like how she tries to push herself out of my hold.

“It’s just one practice; they will survive without me.” I bring my lips down to hers, needing more of her taste.

She moans, kissing me back for a moment before finding the willpower I don’t seem to possess when it comes to her.

“You have a game this weekend. You can not afford to lose any practice time. I’ll be right in the stands watching—perks of being the coach's daughter.”

Normally, practices are closed to the public, but with Lilly’s dad being the coach, she and Bee have always been the exception.

I wonder if that’s still gonna be the case, seeing how three players from the team will very much be distracted by their presence.

I’m not going to bring attention to it by asking. I want my girl there with me.

“Well, you're the coach's daughter, so you can ask him pretty please for forgiveness if I miss practice." I grin down at her as I brush my thumb against her kiss-swollen lips.

Her lids lower, throat bobbing as she swallows. She’s considering it. I grin wider, knowing I just might be getting my way.

“Not happening, Grant!” a voice causes me to jump. “Move your ass.”

Next thing I know, I’m being dragged away towards the locker room by none other than the coach himself.

“Hey! I need to say goodbye to my girl,” I protest, shooting him a glare.

“Fuck’s sake,” Jax mutters. “You're gonna see her in a few hours. You're acting like a love-sick fool.”

Lilly’s giggle has my attention turning back to her. She watches, a big grin on her face that she tries to hide as she waves goodbye.

I sigh dreamily. “So what?” I tell him. “I am a love-sick fool. Have you seen her?”

“My daughter?” Jax shoots me a cocked brow. “Yes. I have. And as adorable as your love for her is, put a pin in it, or I’ll ban her from practices."

That shuts me up.

“Thought so.” He chuckles as he pushes me towards the door. “Now, go suit up. Be on the ice in ten with the rest of the team, or I’m going to make you stay and do fifty laps around the rink.”

“Damn, Coach. I thought you liked me,” I grumble, shooting him a look over my shoulder as I push the locker room door open.

“I’d like you better if you got your ass on the damn ice,” he shoots back, taking off down the hall.

My gaze flicks back over to Lilly. She’s still standing there, an amused look on her gorgeous face. Fuck, she’s beautiful. I can’t believe she’s mine.

Grinning, I wink at her before blowing her a kiss.

She surprises me by laughing, reaching out, and grabbing at the air.

Why have I never had a girlfriend before? It’s amazing. It’s the best.

Probably because none of them would have been Lilly.I don’t want to experience any of it without her.

I almost fall over when the door gets yanked fully open. “Are you done?” I’m met with a very unamused Toby.