Biting my lip, I try not to laugh as I tug on Jonas’ arm. He looks at me with an amused expression and leans down so I can whisper in his ear. “I think you need to do whatever you did last night. Work some of that aggression out of her.”
Jonas chokes out a laugh, leaning back to look at me with wide eyes. “She told you?”
I snort. “Babe, we tell each other everything.” I look at Bee. “You, be nice and take your clothes home to get washed,” I remind her.
“Fine, Mom,” she snarks, rolling her eyes.
“Love you too!” I sing, shoving my coffee and pastry bag in the guy’s hands before grabbing both Bishop and Toby’s free ones, pulling them from the room, and letting the love birds be.
“What was all that about?” Bishop asks, looking back over his shoulder to the dorm room door.
“Nothing.” I don’t stop until we’re all in the elevator. I spin around to face both of my boyfriends.
I take a moment to slowly drink the pair of them in. Tall, dark, and sexy. Two hockey players covered in tattoos.
How the hell did I get so lucky?
“Keep looking at me like that, Flower, and I’ll fucking devour you right here in this elevator,” Toby teases, eyes filled with heat.
I suck in a gasp, my eyes growing in size.
“She’d like that,” Bishop chuckles. “Noted.”
“I’m allowed to look,” I huff, crossing my arms. “You're both hot, okay? Can you blame me?”
Toby’s lip twitches with a hint of a smile while Bishop's grin is wolfish as he preens. “Look all you want,il mio cuore.” He waves his hands in front of his body. “It’s all for you.”
Toby lets out a low growl, shooting him a look.
Bishop cocks a brow. “It’s true.” He shrugs.
The elevator door opens. “Whatever.” Toby moves forward, and my smile drops. “I’ll text you, okay?”
I nod my head. “Okay.”
He looks around before quickly stealing a kiss and leaving me alone with Bishop.
When he’s out of sight, I sigh heavily and lean into Bishop as he pulls me into his arms.
“He’s getting there,” Bishop promises. “Honestly, he’s doing a lot better than I thought he would. He hasn’t kicked my ass, not even a punch in the face. No threats. Nothing. And when we ran into each other at the coffee house, he didn’t tell me to get fucked when I told him I was there to buy you coffee. I let him grab you something to eat, though. See, I can play nice too.”
I let out a heavy breath. “I miss us.”
“How the three of us were back when we were teenagers.” I spin around in his arms to face him before snuggling into his touch. “But maybe I’m chasing the past. We’re older now, we’ve grown into different people. Am I naive for wanting the old ‘us’ still?”
“No,” he says. “Because I know we can still have that. You have it with me.”
I lean back to smile up at him. “We do have that, don’t we?” I agree.
“Only change is, we’re dating now. And I get to see you naked.” He grins widely. My cheeks heat.
“Stop it.”
“Am I wrong?”
My belly flutters. “No.”