“I fucking love you, you know that?”
“I do.” I smile up at him, still feeling like I want to crawl into bed and hide, but I know I’m better than that. “But I love hearing it, so feel free to say it again and again.”
“For the rest of our lives,” he growls before pressing a kiss to my lips.
The rest of the walk to the lunch hall, it’s like I could feel people’s eyes on me. Like little ants crawling along my skin.
Doing my best to pay them no mind, I keep my head held high and pushed forward.
How broken can someone be to go this low to hurt another person? Someone who’s never done anything to them.
The fact was, she wanted something she couldn’t have. Something I had.
And she didn’t like it. I was with the man she wanted. She didn’t care he didn’t want her back. She felt like I wronged her by taking something that was never hers in the first place.
This is how she makes me pay.
But much like what her mother did to mine, I’m not giving her the reaction she’s hoping for.
She wants to hurt me, to make me feel small so she can feel big. She thinks she won, but the only thing she did was get herself expelled. Because once they confirm it was her, I know Theo won’t be giving her anymore chances.
I don’t feel bad about it. Not at all.
She chose this for herself, and now she has to live with the consequences.
As we step into the lunch hall, the whole room goes quiet.
“Okay,” Bee says slowly. “That’s fucking creepy. Did we somehow find our way into a horror movie? Like one of those small-town ones where someone passes by, and the whole town is in on some horror plot twist?”
“Kinda feels like it,” I murmur, trying to will my heart to chill out before I pass out.
Nausea turns in my stomach. Part of me wants to tell Bishop we should go because I don’t think I could eat anything.
I won’t. Because that's what Katie wants.
I’m not in the wrong. I didn’t cheat on anyone. I never would. The thought makes me want to cry. I could never hurt the men I love like that, and they know it.
Taking a deep breath, I head towards the french fry stand, knowing that's probably the only thing I’m going to be able to stomach right now.
Once we order, we grab our plates and take a seat at the hockey table.
Conversations have picked up again around the room, most likely about me, but there’s no way to know, so I’m going to do my best not to think about it.
The table however, feels awkward.
“She didn’t fucking cheat on me,” Bishop growls, shooting death glares at all his teammates.
“Look, if you say so. But we saw the video,” Trent, one of his teammates, says. “And it wasn’t you with her in the video.” He looks at me. “Sorry, Lilly. But Bishop is our brother.”
I shoot him a glare of my own.Why does no one ask before assuming shit they see on the internet?
“And I love you for that, man. But it’s not what you think,” Bishop insists.
“So it wasn’t Toby fucking Lilly in the video?” someone else asks, and anger fills me.
“It was,” Bishop grinds his jaw, and the whole table’s eyes widen.
“Because I’m dating both of them.” I decide to just come out with the truth.