“Yup.” I smile up at him, letting him press a kiss to my lips before he hands me my coffee. “My hero.”
“Hey,” Jonas greets Bee. “You’ve been crying. Are you okay?”
Bee’s eyes flick to mine, then back to Jonas. “Totally. Just saw a TikTok video that made me sad.”
Jonas looks at me, and I can’t hold back the smile. Understanding dawns on him, and he grins back. “Ahh, those damn sad videos. Gets you every time.”
I can’t wait to talk to him about this later. I’m so damn happy for them both. But I know Bee must be freaking out. She has the right to, but we’re all here for her.
We all leave, walking to our first class together. Bishop drops me off, and I stay with Jonas and Bee.
The day goes on, and my first classes are great.
“We need to eat. Like now. Or I’m going to start eating one of you,” Bee grumbles, seeming to be in a pissy mood.Ah, gotta love mood swings.
“I got something you can eat.” Jonas grins.
“Oh, gross.” I laugh. “No details, please.”
“Lilly!” I hear my name called.
Looking over my shoulder, I see Ryan running towards me. “Hey, Ryan.” I smile, but then it drops when I see the pissed-off look on his face. “What’s wrong?” My stomach swoops.
“You don’t know?” he asks, looking between me and the others.
“Know what?” Bee asks.
“Shit,” he hisses, running a hand through his hair.
“Ryan, what's going on?” I ask, panic spiking through my veins.
“I really hate to be the one to show you this. But I don’t want you going around the school without knowing what's going on.”
“And that would be?” Bee asks.
Ryan pulls out his phone and hands it to me. Brows furrowing, I look down to see. There’s a video, but I don’t press play, reading the post description.
The name of the Instagram account isn’t familiar, but the names in the post sure as hell are.
As I read it, I start to feel sick.
“This just in. Not everything is as it seems. Looks like the captain of the Silver Knights hockey team loves to go behind his best friend's back and mess around with his girlfriend. That'sright, Tobias Munro is sleeping with Lillianna Tatum. Who also happens to be his stepsister. Don’t believe me? Watch the video.”
My hands shake as I swallow hard. This isn’t the first time someone pulled this kind of shit on me. But that was me with my top off, in my bra. What’s this going to be? I don’t know if I want to know.
“What the fuck!” Bee hisses. “It’s Katie. I know it’s that little bitch. Who the fuck else would do this kind of crap.”
“Did you watch the video?” I ask Ryan, voice low.
He scratches the back of his head. “Ahh. I’m sorry. I didn’t know what it was until I was watching it, and then I read the description. It just popped up on my newsfeed.”
“Is it bad?” I ask, eyes welling with tears.
“Nothing’s showing. But it’s kind of hard not to know what's going on.”
“Fuck.” I look down at the phone. I need to know what this video is, what everyone's seeing.
Pressing play, I feel my heart drop as I hear the moans coming through the phone.