Page 128 of A Game Of Love

“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve seen things, Toby. You can deny it all you want. But why are you wasting your time with a taken woman when you could be with someone who wants you? Who would treat you like a king and show you off to the world, not make you their dirty little secret.”She reaches out and trails her fingers up my chest. “That could be me if you just gave me the chance.”

Grabbing her hand, I rip it away from me and toss it to the side. “Don’t fucking touch me,” I growl. “Get this through your fucking head, Katie. I don’t want you. Even if I chose to be with another girl, it wouldn’t be you. So fuck off and leave me, Lilly, and Bishop alone.”

Chest heaving in anger, I step around her and head towards the back door. I swear to god, if I miss my midnight kiss with Lilly, I’m going to fucking lose it.

“You're going to regret this!” Katie shouts after me, but I ignore her, the crowd around us drowning her out.

Grabbing my phone, I check the time. “Fuck,” I curse. Literally two minutes until midnight.

Frantically, I look around the backyard but can’t find them.Where the fuck did they go?

A text pops up from Bishop. Opening it, I read it. It says they're on the swing at the side of the house.

Pocketing my phone, I rush over to them.

As I’m rounding the corner, everyone in the house starts to shout the countdown. Spotting them cuddled together on the swing, I quickly take a seat next to them.

“There you are,” Lilly’s sleepy voice says. “I thought you were going to miss it.”

“Never.” I smile down at her.

“Four. Three. Two. One. Happy New Year!” People cheer all around us.

“Happy New Year, baby.” I lean in and press my lips to my girl, knowing that when we get back to school, I’m not hiding anymore.

As terrified as I am to let the world know, to face the bullshit and messed up comments people are going to have, it needs to be done. I won’t let people think the same thing Katie does, thatLilly is cheating. And I’m not going to hold back and pretend that this girl isn’t mine.

“I love you,” she whispers before tipping her head back so Bishop can get his kiss, too. “And you.”

“We love you too,il mio cuore,” Bishop murmurs.

“Happy New Year. I’m excited for what's to come.”

“Me too.” I lean my head against her shoulder. And I am. Because getting to live a life with this woman by my side is everything I could have ever asked for.

Chapter 24


The rest of Christmas break is amazing. I spent most of it locked up in the guys’ dorm room with them. I’m sure you can imagine the things we did to pass the time.

It was hot, kinky sex—that's what we did. A lot of it.

Honestly, I have an unhealthy addiction to these men, and I can’t seem to find it in me to care.

It’s our first day back after classes, and I’m excited. New year, new semester, and new classes.

This school year started off slow; it felt like the months were really years. But it’s like as soon as the guys and I were in a good place, the days went by in the blink of an eye.

I hate it. Because in a few short months, these guys are going to graduate and when I come back next year, they won’t be coming back with me.

It’s not like I won’t be seeing them, we’ve already decided to get a place together. Still. Not having them walk me to class throughout the day sucks, but I’ll have Bee and Jonas, even Ryan, sometimes.

I miss him. His life has turned upside down overnight. He went from being single to in some sort of love triangle, then in a relationship with two people? Maybe? Who knows. Whenever I ask, he tells me not to. I’ll let him work his stuff out on his own and be there for him when he’s ready to talk. We've both been dealing with our own crazy lives, so I know he understands just as much as I do.

“Ugh,” Bianca grumbles as she stares at herself in the mirror. “Nothing fits!”

“What are you talking about?” I take in her appearance. “They look good on you.”