Page 126 of A Game Of Love

Her face pales, lips parting as her eyes grow wide. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Does your family know?”

“Toby.” She looks around. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Hey.” I put my hands on her shoulders. “It’s okay. I won’t tell anyone. I just want you to know I’m here for you.” Her eyes fill with tears, lower lip quivering. “Does Lilly know?”

“No,” Bee whispers. “No one does. So, how do you?”

My lips tip into a smile. “I’ve seen Ellie pregnant a few times; I notice the signs. You’ve been moodier than normal. You don’t drink at parties anymore. I find you watching Jonas like you have the biggest secret to tell him, and you look terrified to do it. And well, not to be a creep, but your boobs have gotten bigger.”

She huffs out a watery laugh. “Well, you’re right about one thing. I am terrified to tell him.” She looks over to where Jonas is spinning Lilly around, her head tossed back in a full belly laugh.

“Why? That man adores you and the ground you walk on. I have a feeling he’s going to be thrilled.”

She shakes her head, bringing her sad eyes back to me. “He wants to go to the NHL. Having a baby... it’s only going to ruin that.”

“Why?” I frown. “If it's something he really wants, you both will find a way to make it work.”

“I don’t want to ruin his life,” she whispers.

“I can tell you right now, the only way that would happen is if you left him. Do you want this baby?”

She nods, her hand going to her belly. “More than anything.”

“Then tell him. Let him be there for you, let him love you both. Because I know if it was Lilly, the longer she kept it from me, the more I’d hate myself for not being able to be there for her for every moment.”

“Thanks.” She wraps her arms around me. I hug her back. “I take it back. I don’t hate you.”

Chuckling, I give her a squeeze. “Any time, Bee.”

“You won’t tell Bishop, will you?”

I shake my head. “Not my place to say anything. Plus, if he gets mad at me for knowing and not saying anything, I can always remind him that he’s kept things to himself before, too.”

“You play dirty.” She laughs.

“No, but really. This is your life, Bee. It’s not my place to tell.”

“Thanks,” she says again.

“Come dance!” Lilly shouts, waving us over.

Looking down at Bee, I grin. “You have to tell Lilly after you tell Jonas. She’s going to be your biggest cheerleader. And love that little one with her whole heart.”

“I know.” She laughs, eyes filling with more tears. “That's the part I’m excited for.”

“Come on.” I take Bee’s hand. “Let’s go enjoy this last little bit of a year filled with a lot of things I’d like to forget and start the new one off on good terms.”

Pulling her out to the dance floor, she goes over to Jonas. He pulls her into his arms, tucking his face into her neck and holding her tight. That man is a man in love.

“Hey, you.” Lilly grins up at me. “How are you doing, sexy?”

I bark out a laugh. “Better now that I’m with you.”

While I’m not quite ready to be out to the world just yet, tonight I found myself not really trying to hide it. Lilly and I have always been close. Even before we decided to be something more.

So dancing with her close to me in a sea of people isn’t an odd thing.