Page 120 of A Game Of Love

“Trust me, neither can I. Not going to lie, I’m low-key freaking the fuck out.” He laughs nervously. “But it was worth it.”

Smiling, I bite my lip as I wrap my arms around his waist, pulling myself close to him. “Oh yeah?”

He cups my face, holding me still as he places a kiss to my forehead. “I love you, Lillianna Tatum. You mean more to me than my own life. You're my everything. My heart, my soul, the air that I breathe. And I think it’s about time the world knows that, don’t you think?”

“Yeah,” my voice cracks as I give him a watery smile. “I think so.”

And then he’s kissing me in front of everyone. If anyone wasn’t sure what that song was about, they sure know now.

I know we still need to talk to our parents, but right now, I don’t want to ruin this moment. I’m so happy I feel like I might explode.

“My boy did good, didn’t he?” Bishop wraps his arms around us.

“Yeah, he did.” I snuggle into Toby, letting the warmth of my guys seep into me, the love they have for me pour off them and into me.

Letting my head tip back, I smile up at Bishop, silently asking him to kiss me. I need there to be no doubt that both of these men are mine.

“I love you. Both of you.”

“We love you too,il mio cuore,” he replies, sealing his words with the kiss I was seeking.

“More than the fucking air that I breathe,” Toby growls before diving forward and kissing me again.

Pure giddiness fills me as the music around us starts up with another song.

People make their way out to the dance floor, and I dance with my men.

After a few more drinks, a bite to eat, and some more dancing, I’m feeling brave myself.

“What are you doing?” Rain asks me, amusement in her eyes as I walk away from the DJ table.

“Just putting in a song request.” I grin as I grab the mic from the stand.

“Oh, I gotta see this,” she laughs, and I wink.

Now, I’m not super good at singing, but my voice won’t make your ears bleed. Trust me, I’ve asked more than once. Hopefully, for this whole room's sake, no one lied to me to save my feelings.

The song that’s playing fades out, and is replaced with the one I requested.

Showerby Becky G starts to play as I find Toby and Bishop in the middle of the dance floor, dancing with Bee and Jonas.

They look over at me just as the lyrics start.

I start to sing, letting the beat and the alcohol take over.

Fuck it. I’m in a good mood. A fan-fucking-tastic mood. And I want these guys to know how I feel about them.

In song form.

Okay, so maybe there are a lot of different songs that could relay the message better, but I really like this song.

Swaying my hips to the song, I make my way over to them.

They smile wide, a little surprised, but god, the way they’re looking at me makes me feel like I’m their world. It’s fucking intoxicating. I wanna get drunk on them—fuck the alcohol.

Slipping in between them, our friends laugh and step away, giving us room.

Leaning back into Toby, I bring my hand up and around his neck, grinding my ass into him as the song describes him lighting me up inside like the fourth of July. I have no shame right now, and I’m having the time of my life.