“Reminding you who you belong to,” he growls, slapping my ass.
I grin into his back, excitement filling me. He doesn’t have to remind me who I belong to. I know who my men are. But hey, I’m not going to fight him if he wants to try.
Chapter 22
“I think I’m gonna puke,” I mutter, scrubbing my face with my hands.
“You’re going to be fine.” Rain grins, all too excited for what's about to happen.
“This is gonna be awesome.” Bishop smirks, not seeming to care at all.
“You both do know I can’t sing, right?” I narrow my eyes, looking between the two of them.
“You do know you can, right?” Bishop snorts. “Just because you don’t like to sing in front of people doesn’t mean you can’t. Trust me, dude, I’ve heard you sing, and it’s not bad.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve never sung in front of a whole room full of people.” I wave my hand towards the entrance to the reception hall.
You might be wondering what the hell we’re talking about.
After Christmas, I went to Rain and talked about how Lilly voiced her feelings about keeping our relationship a secret from our parents and how Lilly doesn’t think they’re going to react as badly as I’ve made it up in my mind.
In Rain like fashion, she confirmed what Lilly said. I asked her if they already knew, and she didn’t answer. No help at all on that part.
She did, however, tell me about how back in college, when they all fucked up with Ellie and needed to get back into her good graces, Chase did this whole performance and sang one of Ellie’s favorite songs from one of her favorite movies. She said I should consider doing the same thing.
At first, I thought she was crazy. It’s something I’d never do. It’s not me.
But the more I thought about it, the more appealing it became. And after binging it up to Bishop and getting his offer to help, the less insane it sounded. Before I knew it, I had picked a song, one that reminds me so much of her, and I find myself listening to it all the time.
It’s not going to be grand; there are no crazy dance moves, and I sure as hell am not going to be jumping on top of a table.
It is, however, time for our loved ones to know.
I can’t keep living in fear. If I try to protect Lilly like I have been, I’ll be doing the very thing I’ve been trying to prevent, hurting her. Hell, I have been for years now.
I’ve taken the time to get used to the idea of sharing her with Bishop. It’s no longer an issue. I love them both. I want them to be happy.
And Lilly can never really be truly happy with me if we’re stuck living in the shadows.
The first step is telling the people closest to us and praying they’ll understand.
To me, this was never a choice. Lilly has always been it for me. From the moment I laid eyes on her at the playground when we were just tiny little kids, I knew this girl was something special, and I’d go to the ends of the earth to stay by her side.
The wedding reception is in full swing now. They’ve already done all the important dances, cut the cake, and made the speeches. One done by my stunning girlfriend to her favorite uncles.
She looks gorgeous tonight in a pale pink dress, hair down in long loose waves. She was a member of the wedding party as one of Blake’s grooms-maids? Anyways, Ellie, Lexi, Vail, and Tabitha were on Cooper's side, and on Blake’s, there was Rain, Lilly, Blake’s little sister, and one of his best friends, Bailey.
Lilly has been pretty busy with the wedding party, so I haven’t really had a chance to be alone with her yet.
Maybe it’s a good thing. I’d probably have psyched myself out and went running for the hills.
“Alright. Cooper just texted me. He said we’re good to go.”
“Fuck.” My heart starts racing, and I really feel like I’m about to pass out.
“You ready?”