It’s things like this that give me the strength to keep going.
Chapter 21
As we step into the house, I’m immediately hit with the smell of gingerbread. It brings a smile to my face, a sense of nostalgia hitting me.
Christmas with my family is one of my favorite times. We always go all out: decorating, baking, and all the Christmas activities. This house is crazy, but it’s filled with smiles and laughter. It’s the one place I feel the safest in the world.
Toby and Bishop follow in behind me. We head towards the kitchen, finding all my parents, no surprise there.
“What's going on?” I ask.
“Hey, you.” Mom gives me a beaming smile before pulling me into her arms. “Merry Christmas.”
“That's tomorrow,” I remind her, hugging her back.
“Fine, fine,” she laughs. “Merry Christmas Eve, then.”
“Lillypad!” Chase cheers very loudly. My brows raise, and I laugh as he runs over and picks me up in a spinning hug.
“Hi.” I laugh, feeling a little dizzy when he puts me down on my feet. “Someone’s a little happy.”
“Yeah, a little too happy,” Brody grumbles. “He’s had four glasses of eggnog.”
“So, he’s hyper?” My brows furrow.
Toby chuckles. “He’s drunk.”
“Am not,” Chase slurs.
“Nope. Totally not,” Bishop chuckles.
“See!” Chase grins, slapping Bishop a little too hard on the shoulder. “He gets it.”
“Okay, I think you’ve had enough eggnog.”
“What am I not getting?” I ask, looking around.
Theo grins. “This.” He points to the bowl out of reach of the kids. “Is adult eggnog. That.” He points to the cartons in the fridge. “Was for the kids. Who are asleep now because they crashed from a sugar rush after sneaking a plate of cookies about two hours ago.”
“Oh.” My eyes widen, understanding he means the eggnog is spiked.Am I really that innocent?Kind of makes sense why, every Christmas, I’d find them all a little too happy and loud.
“Listen,” Chase slurs. “It doesn’t taste any different. How was I supposed to know?”
“Yes, it does,” Rain snorts. “You dumbass.”
“Hey!” He points to her. “You’re mean.”
Rain just rolls her eyes. “You're just in time to decorate cookies.” She grabs a plate of gingerbread.
We all take a seat around the table, everyone decorating their own.
“What is that?” I snort, looking at Bishop’s cookie.
“He’s a man of war.” Bishop grins. “See, he’s missing a leg and an arm.” He points to where he put red icing oozing out of the edges.
“Is he dead?” I laugh, pointing to the black x’s on his eyes.