Page 92 of A Game Of Love

But what really has me second-guessing going to the fame and not fucking her senseless right here is when she pulls her hand free and licks the cum off her fingers.

“Lilly,” I groan. She just grins and pulls me down for a kiss, forcing me to taste my cum.

I groan, deepening the kiss until we’re both breathless.

God, I love this woman with all my being.

We leave the library and make our way to the rink. Splitting apart, we go our separate ways, and I focus on getting in the right headspace.

“Someone has a pep in their step.” Bishop chuckles.

“Today is a good day.” I grin. “The sun is shining, I’m playing today's game, and I nearly drowned in our girl’s cum. What more could I ask for?” I whisper the last part.

His eyes widen. “You lucky fucker.”

I just grin wider.

We hit the ice, the crowd going wild. I missed this. It’s not the same being on the side lines.

Getting into the net, I clear my mind of everything but the game. I know my girl is here; I know she’s cheering me on.

I’m going to win this for her.

Chapter 18


The rest of November goes by pretty fast with school, the guys’ schedules, plus working a few shifts a week at the bookstore. I’m filling in for the woman who was working for my mom before she went on maternity leave, that is, until Mom finds someone to replace her.

When I have a free moment and the guys are busy, I spend it with Bee. When Bishop is free, but Toby isn’t, I’m with him and the same the other way around.

When both of them are free, we all hang out.

Seeing the two of them slowly work their way back into the friendship they had before makes me so damn happy to see.

Life is good. I’m happy. So damn happy. I’m having more sex than I ever thought possible. These men are beasts. And I thought I was bad. Although, I do give them a run for their money.

The whole school knows I’m dating Bishop now. While his teammates and friends are happy for him, some of the girls are not.

I’ve never received so many dirty looks in my life. Having attention on me isn't something new, though.

Between being kidnapped when I was three and growing up with a poly family, I’ve been in the news and the talk of the town more times than I’d like.

Still, I won’t let any of that get to me.

So why does having so many women who want to claw my damn eyes out bother me?

I shouldn’t let it. I don’t know them. Their opinions of me mean nothing.

It’s the way they don’t respect that Bishop is a taken man and still try to flirt with him as if they could be the ones to make him stray from me.

We went to a few parties this month, and every time girls would come up and talk to him, acting like I wasn’t even there. On the other hand, every time they would do that, he would only respond with a polite hello and that’s it. His whole attention focused back on me. They didn’t like that.

The campus is a big place, so it’s not often I bump into people I already know.

Yet I’ve crossed paths with more than one puck bunny who hates my guts.

But the one person who’s really made me uneasy is Katie. Every time she’s near, she makes sure she’s extra loud when talking, saying things like she’s glad I’m finally in a relationship with Bishop and not drooling over my brother. Or how she thinks that she’s finally going to get her chance. Like fuck she will. Even if Toby and I weren't together, he would never give someone like her the time of day. He has made that clear more than once.