Page 137 of A Game Of Love

“Heeeey,” Bee says, looking overly cheery.

“What's going on?” I narrow my eyes.

“Nothing. Nothing at all, why would you think something was going on?” she asks.

“Because you look happy.”

She laughs. “Because it’s graduation day!”

“Uh-huh.” I look at her suspiciously.

“She’s just happy because Sofia didn’t wake up last night, and we got to sleep from eight to eight.” Jonas chuckles.

“Oh my god, it was amazing!” she moans. “Better than sex, for sure.”

“Thanks, Bumblebee. Way to make a guy feel good about himself.” Jonas laughs.

“Tell me I’m wrong?” Bee crosses her arms.

“No, you’re not. I mean, sex with you is literally heaven, but going a week with only a few hours of sleep, it’s damn good getting a solid twelve."

“Right.” Bee grins.

“You two are oddly cute and very weird,” I point out.

“Thanks,” Jonas beams. He wraps his arm around my shoulders. “You ready for this?”

“For this part of our lives to be over and you two to move away? Fuck no.” My eyes well with tears.

“Don’t!” Bee points at me. “You're going to make me cry and mess up my makeup.”

“No crying,” Theo says.

I spin around to find my dad standing nearby. He’s grinning from ear to ear. He’s gotten some grey hair around the edges, but the man can pull it off. Mom doesn’t seem to mind. She keeps calling him her sexy silver fox.

I’d be grossed out, but if this is what Toby is going to look like in twenty-five years, I’m not complaining.

“Hey!” I beam up at him.

“Hey, Lillypad.” His own eyes well up with tears.

“No crying. You said so yourself!” I point at him.

“I know.” He chuckles. “That’s why your mom and Chase aren't here right now.”

“They would be blubbering messes.” I laugh.

“We’ll see you later, okay?” Bee says, placing her hand on my arm to get my attention.

“Okay.” I wave them off, then look back up to Theo. “I wanna thank you.”

“For what?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.

“For a lot.” I smile softly, knowing there’s no hope of me not crying by the end of this. “Like being the man who stepped up and loved a kid who wasn’t his blood. Then, the man who stayed after. The man who loved my mom and never gave up on her. Who loved me and has been by my side since I was three. You’re my dad, no blood needed.”

“Lilly,” his voice cracks, pulling me into his arms. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I whisper, tears spilling down my cheeks.