Page 133 of A Game Of Love

I love Toby. More than anything. But I can’t hide this anymore. I’m not going to cover it up with lie after lie like it’s something to be ashamed of. Because it’s not.

“Hold up.” Ricky’s brows furrow. “Like at the same time.”

“Yes,” I say, because what else would I mean.

“And they know about it?”

“Yes, we fucking know about it,” Bishop sighs. “Not that it’s any of your business, but both Toby and I are Lilly’s boyfriends.”

“Are you two together?” Trent asks.

“No,” Bishop snorts. “Not that there's anything wrong with liking another dude, but I’m all about Lilly. And so is he.”

“Huh.” Ricky blinks. “You know, that kind of makes sense. He’s always been so weirdly protective of you. I thought it was a brotherly thing.”

“So, you're bypassing the sibling thing?” Trent asks.

“For fuck’s sake,” I mutter. “We’re not related. He’s not my brother.”

“Listen up. I’m with Lilly. Toby’s with Lilly. Toby and I are not together. It is what it is. Get over it, or fuck off,” Bishop snarls. “Remember who Lilly is, who the coach is. Who her parents are. The dean of the fucking school. The football coaches? The damn cheer coach? Hello. Don’t start acting stupid now. There’s nothing wrong with our relationship, and if you think there is, go tell one of them.”

The whole table shuts up, some mumbling sorrys, some congratulating us.

“You know,” I whisper in Bishop’s ear. “Hearing you defend me is hot.”

“Oh yeah?” Bishop grins down at me. “How hot.”

“Very.” I bite my lower lip, trying to hold back my grin. I’m so in love with this man.

“Lilly.” Bee taps my arm from across the table. Looking at her, I follow the direction of her finger to where she’s pointing. My eyes lock on Toby. He’s outside, looking through the window of the lunch room that looks out at the courtyard.

“I’ll be right back,” I tell Bishop.

He looks over to Toby, then back to me. “Want me to come with you?”

“No.” I shake my head. “This needs to be done.”

He nods, kisses my cheek, and lets me go.

My stomach is in knots as I head out to Toby.

“Are you okay?” He rushes over to me, pulling me off to the side.

“I’m fine,” I reassure him.

He starts to pace. “I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Lilly.” The look on his face is one of distress. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to make this go away. I never wanted somethinglike this to happen. Now everyone knows. They saw. Fuck!” he shouts, grabbing at his hair.

He’s starting to spiral. Shit, this is not the reaction I wanted from him, but I’m not surprised.

“Toby. It's okay.”

“Okay?” He looks at me with wild eyes. “It’s every nightmare I’ve ever had about us coming true! They think you're a cheater. You would never do something like that!”

“I know,” I tell him, voice even.

“Did you see the comments? They make me sick.” Fury flashes across his face. “All I’ve ever wanted to do was protect you from bullshit like this. And then I go and fuck it up. Now–”

“Toby!” I shout, getting him to stop.