Page 8 of Ink

My words came out in a rush as I tried to come up with a reason for the mix-up at the bank. “I only turned eighteen last month, so he handled everything for me as my guardian until now. The investment accounts, checking…everything related to the trust. He said it was gonna take a little while for all of the paperwork to transfer everything into my name, but I didn’t think there would be an issue with me writing a check for tuition since it was specified in my trust, and I’m listed on the account. Maybe it’s just because of the amount, and he still needs to sign off on it.”

“Could be,” he conceded, sounding unconvinced.

I shook my head. “No, that can’t be right because the woman from the college said it came back as insufficient funds.”

“Only one reason that happens, and it sounds like there’s only one person who can be responsible for it if your uncle has been managing the trust for you until you were old enough to take care of it yourself.”

My stomach was in knots. “My dad arranged all the details in his will. Down to Uncle Alec moving into our house so that I didn’t have to be uprooted in the middle of high school.”

“I hate to break it to you,dolcezza, but it shouldn’t take the bank an entire month to move shit into your name.” He interlaced our fingers and gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

“You think my uncle lied to me?” I asked.

He heaved a deep sigh and nodded. “Yeah, and if the money isn’t in that account, that’s probably why he’s been slow with the paperwork. Odds are good that he wanted to hide it from you as long as he could.”

My shoulders slumped, and I buried my face in my hands. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

“Are you and your uncle close?”

Glancing up at Matteo, I grimaced. “Not really. I always assumed he was awkward with me because he didn’t know what to do with the teenage girl, but maybe it was because he’s been robbing me blind this entire time.”

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest. “We’re gonna find out what happened. No matter what your uncle pulled, you’re going to be okay.”

My voice was muffled as I mumbled, “Don’t make promises you can’t possibly keep. If Uncle Alec did what I’m starting to suspect, I will need a lawyer. And an accountant to see how much damage he did.”

He leaned back and pressed a finger under my chin. When our gazes met, he flashed me a cocky smirk. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I have a lawyer on speed dial.”

“You do?” I squeaked, wondering why a tattoo artist would need the services of an attorney so often.

Matteo chuckled. “Not for whatever reason just popped into your pretty little head. Ash is one of my club brothers.”

“Sorry.” I flashed him an apologetic smile.

“It’s okay,dolcezza. I understand why you’d be suspicious of everyone right now.”

“Maybe I’m jumping the gun, and this really all was a glitch.”

Instead of arguing with me, he jerked his chin toward my phone. “Call the bank and see what they say.”

Pulling up the nearest branch in my map app, I clicked on their phone number and waited for someone to answer. “Riverstone Bank, how may I help you?”

“Hello, this is Annika Lee. Could you look up a transaction for me and let me know why it didn’t clear?”

“Certainly, I’ll just need some information from you to verify your identity first.”

Glancing up at Matteo, I whispered, “Can you give me a second? She won’t tell me anything until I prove who I am.”


After he stepped out of the tattoo booth, I gave her my birthdate, social security number, and address. Then she replied, “Okay, I’m pulling up the account now. Is this the check for $16,000 that we declined a few days ago?”

I opened the door so Matteo knew it was okay to come back inside. He gave a pointed look at the phone, so I put it in speaker mode as I said, “Yes, made payable to Cornerstone College.”

“I can confirm that it was rejected due to insufficient funds. You or the trustee listed on the account will need to deposit additional funds before we can approve this transaction.”

“I don’t understand. There should have been plenty of money in that account since there’s an annual disbursement from the trust’s investment portfolio on my birthday, which was only last month.”

“There would have been, except for the withdrawal of $50,000 last week.”