Mac tried to talk me into becoming a prospect for the Silver Saints, but I didn’t want to patch into a club where I'd never know if I’d truly earned my place.
The same went for the Iron Rogues MC. Fox, their prez, was tight with my cousin Nic—the head of The Family. I’d always worry that he had secured my cut for me.
Then Onyx convinced me to consider coming to work at Hellbound Studio, making a pitch for prospecting with the Hounds in the process. I hadn’t immediately rejected the idea because, in a roundabout way, there was still a connection to the DeLucas. However, the ties were far enough apart that I could fly under the radar while still having Nic’s approval.
Of course, having a tech genius like Wizard patched meant my background came out the second I applied to be a prospect. But while a few of the officers knew about my familial ties, they’d allowed me to keep it mostly to myself.
But seeing as the two groups seemed to be constantly crossing paths and using each other’s resources, being Matteo “Ink” Donovan—I’d used my middle name as my surname when I applied—had quickly run its course.
The difference with the Hounds is that they didn’t give a fuck who my blood relations were. I was just Ink. A Hounds of Hellfire brother, enforcer, and tattoo artist.
When I came to work at Hellbound Studio with Onyx, my client list quickly filled up. My waiting list was cut off at six months, so I packed some of my days with appointments in order to have lighter ones.
Today was back-to-back, so I left Marco to see himself out. But as I swiveled back toward the table, a voice floated to my ears, making me freeze.
It was sweet while being just husky enough to make it incredibly sexy.
My feet seemed to have a mind of their own, and when I stood, they walked me straight toward the front of the studio.
Onyx was lazily leaning a hip on the reception counter with his arms crossed and a smile on his face.
I understood his disarming demeanor when my eyes landed on the woman he was talking to.
Holy shit.
Her long dark blond hair was in a loose braid, hanging down her back with flyaway strands framing her heart-shaped face. Her blue eyes were so light, they almost looked like ice. Surrounded by lashes that matched the color of her hair. Her creamy skin was pale, emphasizing the natural pink bloom on her high cheekbones.
A sensual quality to her plump lips made me want to bite them before ravishing them. As my gaze continued down, my body came roaring to life with a vengeance. I couldn't remember the last time I’d been interested in a woman, and all of a sudden, I was practically sweating from the hunger and need coursing through me.
Damn, she was sexy as fuck. She looked soft all over, making me ache to feel her sweet, curvy body pressed against my hard one.
She had big, luscious tits, deliciously thick thighs, and wide, round hips that were perfect for holding while I slammed into her from behind. And for having babies.Whoa! Where the fuck had that thought come from?
The shock wore off quickly, and I knew deep down in my soul that this woman was meant to be mine.
When my gaze returned to her face, I zeroed in on her soft expression. There was a sadness lurking in there that made me want to protect her and fix whatever was causing her pain.
“That’s why I chose a pocket watch. I do something to remember them every August for their anniversary, but I want to have them with me all the time,” she told Onyx softly.
My brow furrowed at her words. Was she here for a tattoo?
The bell on the door jangled, but all of my focus was on my woman.
“Hey, Ink,” my next client greeted.
I lifted my chin in his direction but kept my gaze on her.
“I want it on my upper thigh.”
I was moving before I even realized it. “Onyx is gonna do your tattoo this time, Neil,” I called out.
Both Onyx and the woman turned their heads to look at me when I approached.
“I’ll be doing your ink, baby,” I grunted.
Onyx’s expression was confused until his gaze bounced back and forth between me and my girl. “Uh, Annika, this is Ink. Guess there’s been a change. Seems I’ve been double booked. Ink’s the best there is. He’ll take care of you.”
Annika—fucking beautiful name—double blinked, her ice-blue eyes wide as she stared at me. I wanted to smile at the heat sparking in them, especially since I could tell she was taken aback by it.