Page 42 of The Black Trilogy

“How much have they had to drink?” Mark muttered.

“We only saw them an hour or so ago,” Luke said. “They can’t have had that much, surely?”

“Guys, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think this is just alcohol.”

“What are you getting at?” Mark asked.

Luke was quicker on the uptake. He narrowed his eyes at me. “Are you suggesting my little sister’s been taking drugs?”

I put my hands up. “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. But yes, that would be my guess.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. I just can’t believe she’d do that. She never has before.”

“That you know of.”

“Yes, that I know of.” His shoulders slumped as his usual confidence ebbed away. “I should be spending more time with her. Our mother’s worse than useless.”

Portia danced over to him.

“Cheer up, misery guts,” she sang.

He gave her hand a squeeze and focused on me.

“Any ideas what they could have taken?”

“Probably ecstasy. Maybe coke. If it’s coke, they’ll start coming down from it soon, but I think E’s more likely.”

“How do you know?”

“Reformed wild child.”

I figured I might as well tell the truth for once in my life. It had a terrible habit of catching up, and I just hoped I’d be well away from Lower Foxford before my fabricated life unravelled.

Luke’s mouth twitched, and I knew he wanted to ask for details, but Portia chose that moment to puke. Luke held her hair back, looking green.

Meanwhile, Mark wasn’t feeling so charitable. He slammed his hand against the wall then winced. “I’m gonna find the little scroat who gave them drugs and arrest him. Then I’ll put him in a cell with a bunch of guys who don’t take kindly to newcomers. I can have a squad car here in two minutes.”

Arrest him? Marvellous. I’d just spent the evening playing poker with a cop.

Mark turned to his sister. “Bella, who did this?”

She clapped his cheeks between her hands and grinned. “I love you. Did I ever tell you that?” When he looked less than amused, she stood on tiptoes and kissed him on the nose.

“No, you never did, actually.”

I interrupted their family bonding time. “Look, far be it from me to tell you what to do, but it might be best if you took Arabella home and put her to bed. You can deal with the rest tomorrow.”

Mark sighed and some of the anger left him. “You’re right.”

“You don’t think we should take them to hospital?” Luke asked. “Won’t there be side effects?”

Given the choice, I’d keep them on drugs all the time. They were both more pleasant that way.

“No, just keep an eye on her and make sure she drinks plenty of water.”

“That’s it?”

“I’d also suggest not taking her home to your mother like that. And when she comes down from the high, she’ll be difficult to deal with. Even more than normal.”