Page 390 of The Black Trilogy

“Something like that.”

“I haven’t thought about it. I guess we’ll just have to pick the right moment,” was his incredibly insightful reply.

“Which is when?”

“You’re full of difficult questions, aren’t you?”

“Always, but you wouldn’t want me any other way.”

We sailed back to Nassau on the Black Diamond, and although I was sad to leave the Caribbean, our parting would only be temporary thanks to Black’s extravagance.

“I still can’t believe you bought an island,” I said as we tied the boat up in the marina.

He shrugged. “My investments made enough money to cover it while I was locked up. Didn’t even make a dent in my finances.”

“Good. You can buy me plenty of new bikinis for our next trip.”

“I could, but you won’t be needing them.”

He pulled me towards him for a kiss. I’d had the man by my side for a week, and I still couldn’t get enough of him. I never would. I could drink from him forever and I’d crave more. One touch made me shiver, and a single brush of his lips made me melt. It was more than just physical—our souls were joined, bound together into one, and even death couldn’t force them apart. I was his. Forever Black.

We only spent a few minutes at the airport, but a headwind on the flight back meant we touched down in Virginia later than planned.

“Bradley said he’d leave our costumes out in our bedrooms,” I told Black. “Everyone else will have left by the time we get back.”

“What are we going as?”

“I dread to think, but he promised my costume would have more fabric than last time.”

Two years ago, I’d arrived back from a meeting just in time to change into my belly-dancing outfit, while Black had suffered the indignity of gladiator sandals.

“If it doesn’t, we’re not going.”

As we hurried from the plane, Black held out his hand. “Keys. I want to try the Stingray.”

Why not? If I didn’t have to watch the road, I could spend more time staring at him like a hypnosis victim. Thank goodness I didn’t have to hide it anymore.

I might have gazed for longer if Black hadn’t tested the car to the limit of its capabilities. Did I want to see death coming? A tough decision.

“And you complain I drive too fast?” I asked when we reached Riverley. The smell of burned rubber lined the driveway, and I needed new tyres.

“We’re late.”

I’d remember that excuse next time he told me off.

Apart from the ticking of the grandfather clock, the house was silent, the limos having departed fifteen minutes earlier. Black pinned me against the wall in the hallway before I could blink. Git. I kicked his legs out from under him, and we both ended up on the floor. Aww, he was so tempting.

“We can’t. We’re late,” he said.

Party pooper. Black helped me up, and I trailed him up the stairs where, as promised, Bradley had laid out costumes on our beds.

Black grimaced. “Batman?”

“You’re my hero,” I said sweetly, fluttering my eyelashes in pretend adoration.

“And what’s he given you?”

“I’d better check.”