Page 370 of The Black Trilogy

“I’ll drive,” Black said. “My heart might be healthy at the moment, but a few more trips like this morning’s and that could change.”

“I didn’t go that fast.”

“You left skid marks when you turned into the parking lot.” He held out his hand for the keys.

Fine. I had to message Hiro anyway, so I tossed them over and took the passenger seat. Dan’s muttered, “Thank goodness,” as she climbed into the back didn’t escape my notice.

As Black drove off, not much slower than me, I hasten to add, I borrowed his phone and told Hiro to call when he and his family were ready to leave. We’d find somewhere for them all to stay. Bradley would just have to interrupt whatever havoc he was busy wreaking and sort out rooms for them. It was going to be a full house at Riverley tonight.


LUKE STAYED BEHIND at the house while everyone else went to the hospital. He still didn’t know exactly how or why, but Emmy’s husband had somehow turned up in Colombia and flown back with her.

Mack’s grin hadn’t wavered since she realised Black’s resurrection wasn’t a cruel prank. “I still can’t believe it, but it’s the best news ever,” she kept saying over and over.

Luke didn’t share her enthusiasm. Not only was he staying in the man’s house, he’d also been sleeping with his wife. How would Black react if he found out? Normally, escape to Mack’s place would be the obvious solution, but a few days ago, the concierge of the smart apartment block she lived in had called with news of a burst pipe on the floor above. Cascading water had left Mack’s home flooded. As they were in the middle of the Colombia job, Mack just asked the guy to turn the water off and mop up the mess as best he could. They’d yet to take a trip over to see how bad the damage was.

Since Emmy had offered a room at Riverley Hall for as long as they wanted it, Mack’s housing situation hadn’t seemed like such a problem. But now its owner was back, and by all accounts, he was quite scary.

Luke considered hopping on a plane to England, but he didn’t want to leave Mack behind. Not to mention the meetings he had set up for the expansion of his own company, and the fit-out of the new office he needed to oversee. No, returning to Lower Foxford wasn’t a viable option.

His phone rang, and he glanced at the screen. Tia. “Hey, little sis.”

“Ryan said Emmy sorted everything out. Is that true?”

“Yes, everything got dealt with.”

“Is she back?”

“She arrived yesterday, but she’s gone to the hospital.”

“Oh no!” Tia paused then her voice dropped to a whisper. “Did she get hurt?”

“No, Emmy’s fine, but she rescued a pregnant lady while she was away, and she went into labour early this morning.”

“Ooh, a baby! How fab! Can I come over and see? My exams are all finished now.”


“Please, I promise I won’t get in the way,” Tia wheedled.

“I suppose so.” Luke didn’t reckon Emmy would mind. She got on with Tia better than he did.

“And Ryan too?”

“I’m not sure about that. Isn’t he supposed to be working?”

“Emmy said he wasn’t to leave my side.”

“I think she meant until she fixed the problem, which she’s done now. So he can probably go home.”

“Oh.” Tia sounded disappointed. Too disappointed.

“Is there something going on with Ryan that I should know about?”

“What? Uh, no.”

Yes, there was. His sister’s lying skills hadn’t improved, even with the master around to learn from. Suddenly, Luke wanted her close, and if Ryan had to come too, so be it. He’d rather have the pair of them nearby than alone in a house doing who knows what together.