As if sensing me there, he stirred, lazily opening one eye and then the other.
“What’s up?”
Oh, how I’d missed his husky voice in the mornings.
“Just checking I wasn’t imagining things.”
“I’ve pinched myself a couple of times, but I’m definitely here. And boy am I glad to be back home. I’ve spent months sleeping on a dirty floor, so having a mattress back is a luxury.” He stretched his arms out then peered over at the clock on his nightstand. “I’m not sure I’ve ever slept for twelve hours before. I’d better get out of bed seeing as I’ve got eight months to catch up on.”
My pulse raced. It was my fault he’d spent so long locked up. Mine.
And now he was looking at me, waiting for me to leave. The old Black wouldn’t have done that. He’d have got up and dressed in front of me while I pretended not to look.
Things so weren’t right between us.
I didn’t know what to say, and coward that I was, I backed towards the door instead.
“Okay, I’ll see you downstairs.”
A little wave, and I closed the door without waiting for an answer then cursed myself. Why did I always lose the words?
Emmy, you’re an idiot.
As I walked through the downstairs hallway, I almost tripped over the pile of boxes from Eduardo. Sloane must have got someone to unload them. Curiosity got the better of me, and I flipped the lids open. Flowers, ball gowns, and enough sparkles to start my own jewellery shop nestled neatly in packing foam. I had a rummage. Bless him, he’d even put in a pair of matching silver pistols. His and hers? Nope, mine and mine. I decided I could get used to shiny things, but I’d never tell Bradley that.
I carried on to the kitchen and fixed myself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. As I sat down to eat, Nick walked in, dressed in a pair of boxer shorts and a wrinkled T-shirt, closely followed by Luke and Mack, who looked a bit dishevelled.
“Good night?” I smiled, and she turned red. I couldn’t help chuckling.
According to Bradley, he’d had to start buying extra condoms for the supply closet since they’d moved in. At least somebody was getting some, even if it wasn’t me anymore. No chance I’d be hopping back into bed with Jed now that Black was home.
Luke didn’t share Mack’s embarrassment, but he did seem slightly nervous when he greeted me. He hadn’t yet met Black, I realised. Okay, that had the potential to be awkward. I needed to fill Black in on the story there before he worked it out for himself.
They all joined me at the breakfast bar, with the two lovebirds opting for toast and Nick pouring out a bowl of Coco Krispies. I didn’t even know those were in the house, and I very much doubted Toby did either, or he’d have had a heart attack.
“Where did you get those?”
“Cupboard,” Nick answered.
“Any idea how they got there?”
“I asked Bradley to bring them. You want some? I’ve got Frosted Flakes as well.”
“No, I’m good with muesli.”
Now Black was back, I wanted things to return to normal, or as close to normal as possible given everything that had happened. That included sorting out my diet, getting my exercise regime on track, and going back to work. Black deserved some time off, so that left Nate, Nick and me to run things.
I was raising another spoonful of muesli to my mouth when Akari appeared in the doorway, dressed in the pair of pyjamas and robe I’d found for her last night.
“I’ve got a pain.” She clutched at her stomach.
Oh, shoot. We had a pregnant woman with stomach pain! Now what? A doctor. She needed a doctor.
“Hospital. Yes, hospital.”
I jumped up to get a car.
Black appeared behind her, dressed by now although he still hadn’t shaved. I couldn’t get used to him with a beard and long hair.