“Oh, angel, you’re late. Alejandro made dinner, but I’m afraid it may be ruined. I will have him start again.”
“I’m not sure we can stay that long. I want to get out of here before someone notices the carnage down the road and puts two and two together.”
“You must eat. I will tell him to hurry up. Where is this husband of yours? I’m intrigued to meet the man who has managed to keep a wild cat like you tied down for so long.”
I looped my arm through his and led him towards Black. “What’s with the tracksuit?”
“Floriana bought it. She’s always telling me to relax more. It’s comfortable, but my gun keeps slipping.”
“Probably you could put the gun down for a little while.”
“I like to carry the gun. It makes me feel secure.”
“I’m standing next to you, and I’ve got a gun. Secure enough?”
Eduardo shrugged and gave the shiny gold gun to his butler, who walked off with it held aloft on a tray. I tapped Black on the shoulder and introduced them. “Eduardo, Black. Black, this is Eduardo.”
“It’s good to finally meet you.” Black sized Eduardo up then relaxed a touch. “I need to thank you for looking after Emmy while I wasn’t here.”
Eduardo dismissed that with a wave of his hand. “She looks after herself. Emerson is a strong woman.”
If that was true, why did I feel so broken inside?
“I know, but thank you anyway.”
Eduardo looked Black over, taking in his “wild man” look. “Would you like to borrow some clothes? I have spare warm-up suits.”
I coughed to cover up the snort of laughter that threatened to escape, and Black tried to hide his smile. I didn’t dare to meet his eyes. Black was about nine inches taller than Eduardo and even in his current state, twice as wide. He’d split the seams trying to get into the older man’s clothes.
“I’m not sure anything in your wardrobe would be big enough.” I tried to be diplomatic, a rare occurrence for me. “Nick or Nate’ll have something spare.”
Although even now, the dirty girl inside me was enjoying the sight of Black wandering around shirtless. Boy, had I missed that.
In the end, we compromised over Alejandro’s food. Some of us grabbed mouthfuls on the go, and Eduardo’s household staff packed us a couple of picnic baskets to take on the plane. Floriana took Jane into the house and helped her to clean up while I rinsed the soot out of my hair. Once I had a pair of jeans and a tank on, I felt more human.
Outside, the flurry of activity continued as we finished packing our gear into the helicopters, ready for the short hop to the airstrip. We’d brought the larger of the two company planes, but even after leaving the boats behind, it promised to be a tight fit. Why was it when you packed to go on a trip, everything fitted perfectly, but when you came back, your suitcase—or in our case, plane—seemed to have shrunk?
Things became clearer when we started transferring the contents over to the jet.
“Where are those trunks from?” I asked Eduardo.
He beamed at me. “Just a few gifts for my favourite girl.”
I dreaded to imagine what was inside them. Clothes? Flowers? The contents of a small diamond mine?
Still, I smiled. “You’re too freaking sweet, you old brute. But don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
Dan hobbled around on a pair of crutches, trailing after Black as if she was afraid to let him out of her sight. They’d always had a soft spot for each other. She’d be almost as happy as me that he was back.
Jane had been seen by the doctor, who said he didn’t think flying would harm the baby, but suggested we do so fast if we didn’t want the child to be born at thirty thousand feet. I was only too happy to oblige. The thought of our plane doubling as a delivery room terrified me.
Finally, it was time to leave. I hugged Eduardo tightly, promising to come back and see him soon in slightly more relaxed circumstances.
As he embraced me, I leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “If I ever had a father, I’d be proud if you were him.”
He squeezed me harder for a second then quickly waved me off, and as he turned away, I was sure his eyes were glistening.
Rats, mine were too.