Jane’s eyes went wide. “Did you kill him?”
She nodded solemnly. “Good.”
When Kitty realised who’d joined us, he tried to leap over the seat, almost strangling himself in the process. I unclipped him and he made another attempt, this time landing in Jane’s lap.
“Kitty,” she cried out gleefully. “You found Kitty. Thank you so much.”
They both looked so happy, Kitty energetically taking a layer of skin off her cheeks and Jane laughing as she let him do it. Aw shoot, I might want to hate her, but I couldn’t. She’d looked after my beloved husband when I was incapable, and her oversized moggy had just saved my life.
Black glanced at the feline lying across the backseat, shrugged, and climbed in next to me. There was a spare set of headphones on the console, and he settled them over his ears. Just like old times. A minute later we set off on our way once more, and as the helicopter rose over the rainforest canopy, I couldn’t freaking wait to get out of that place.
LUKE LISTENED THROUGH his headphones as the events at the Ramos compound unfolded. He couldn’t help glancing sideways to check on Mack, although she remained remarkably unruffled under all the pressure.
“Nothing coming in from the local police,” she said. “Base, the birds are five minutes out.”
Yes, she’d stayed far calmer than Luke. His heart rate hadn’t dropped under a hundred since the first shots were fired, although his chest swelled with pride at Mack’s performance.
She’d wanted to go to Colombia, but he’d been secretly pleased when she got bumped from the team in favour of Nate. The wait when Tia went missing had been unbearable, and he’d dreaded having to go through something similar while Mack romped through the jungle. Of course he was worried about the others too, but he wasn’t crazy in love with any of them.
The moment Emmy and her troops breached the Ramos compound had been both the most terrifying and compelling of his life, like being stuck in the middle of an action movie. He still couldn’t believe the woman who shot Hector Ramos without a qualm was the same girl who’d lived in his house for two months. Who’d curled up with him on the sofa and watched slushy movies. He sure was glad they’d never got into a serious argument.
Now the team was on their way back, minus his ex. When she’d argued with Nick over getting in the helicopter, Luke had almost yelled at her to get on board himself. Almost. What he’d learned about Emmy over the past few months stopped him. She might have been moody, temperamental, and borderline insane, but she also had moments of brilliance and never did things without a purpose. Whatever the reason she’d stayed behind, it was probably a good one.
The radio beside him came to life.
“The doctor is set up in the blue bedroom on the second floor,” a voice informed them.
Ah yes, the doctor. He pushed Emmy to the back of his mind, fears for the injured coming to the fore. Especially Dan with her gunshot wound. Luke had come to view her as a friend over the last few months, and then there was the look of fear that had come over Mack’s face when she heard the news. She’d carried on checking the satellite feed, but all her colour drained clean away.
Eduardo had seemed nonplussed but immediately arranged for a medic who wouldn’t ask any questions to be ready and waiting at his villa when the team arrived back, which would be any minute now.
Eduardo. Now he was one scary chap. His moods ranged from manic to ice-cold with a whole spectrum in between. Luke had read all sorts of things about him, and if there was a grain of truth in half of it, that man was seriously screwed in the head. How could Emmy be friends with him? Actually no, scratch that question. Nothing about Emmy surprised Luke anymore.
“Incoming,” Mack said.
The sound of the rotors gradually faded as the pilots wound them back after landing, and the airwaves got busier.
“Nick, put me down. I can walk.” That was Dan, and she sounded strong, thank goodness.
“You’ve just been shot in the leg.”
“Yeah, but I can still hop.”
“Shut up, this is faster.”
Then Nate joined in. “Nick, hurry up. We have to get back for Emmy. You’re sure she said to meet her back at the drop off point?”
“Positive. Hey, can someone get these birds refuelled?”
An inevitable argument followed about who was going back, until Nate pulled rank and nominated Nick, Logan, Seb, and Evan.
“It should be a straightforward pick-up, so four people will be enough. Too many cooks and all that.”