Although it was uncomfortable being wedged in front of Mack’s knees, Luke couldn’t complain about the view. He stifled a groan. Really, he shouldn’t be thinking like that, although it was hard not to with his face so close to the jackpot. Judging by the way Mack squirmed on the chair, she may well have been having the same thoughts.
Eventually, she told Emmy she needed a bathroom break, and the speakers fell silent.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t know how to explain to Emmy that you were here.”
Luke understood that. It wasn’t as if their last words had been amicable.
“Maybe I could call her or something. You know, apologise for shouting at her about Tia.”
He didn’t relish the thought, especially as he was still sore over Nick, but if it would make Mack happy, he’d do it.
“That might help. I’d give her a day or so, though. She needs some rest, and she’ll already get interrupted with the CIA’s debrief call.”
Hmm…A debrief. That sounded like a pretty good idea to Luke.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.
“Like what?”
“Like I’m lunch.”
“Oh, uh, I didn’t realise I was.” He needed to be more careful. “Do you want another glass of champagne?”
“Better not. Emmy’s sending through some files she wants me to look at.”
She was? Luke hadn’t heard that part of the conversation. Most likely because he’d had other things on his mind.
“I could do with checking in at HC Systems, I guess. My staff have probably all started partying with me out of the office for a couple of days, and I’ve got at least fifty emails I need to go through.”
They went back to their desks and sat side-by-side, relaxed in each other’s company. Luke could get used to that. He already dreaded the thought of going back to his big, empty office with only his PA to talk to. Sure, his picture window had a great view over the city, but the one here was prettier. Each time Mack moved, her waterfall of red hair did funny things to his insides.
He was trying, and failing, to focus on a particularly dull contract when Mack suddenly retched, then grabbed the waste paper bin and threw up. Okay, maybe that wasn’t quite so lovely.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” he asked. “Are you ill?” Then he looked up at Mack’s computer screen. “What the…?”
A scene that made Silence of the Lambs look like a fairy tale filled the screen. Surely that couldn’t be real?
“Is that…?”
“Philip? Yes.”
“I was going to say ‘real.’ But I guess you’ve answered that.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be sick. I just couldn’t help it.”
“I almost lost my lunch myself. Did one human being honestly do that to another?”
“The world’s full of monsters, but most people never realise how vile they really are. You can see why Jed and Logan were so worried about Emmy being captured now, can’t you?”
“Yes, I can. I can also see why Emmy has nightmares.”
“If history repeats itself, she won’t get much sleep for a few days. It’s a good thing she’s got some time off.”
Luke slowly began to understand why Emmy was the way she was. How many more of these unspeakable horrors had she witnessed? No wonder she’d hardened her soul.
And what about Mack? Seeing that…that… He closed his eyes, picturing Philip’s insides spilling out into that rusty bucket. The vision would haunt him for a long time. He put an arm around Mack, needing to feel her warmth to counteract the darkness that threatened humanity.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked.