Page 120 of The Black Trilogy

But the dragon only laughed. “What makes you think you can do any of that? Mrs. Halston-Cain told me you were just a stable girl.”

“Mrs. Halston-Cain has no clue who I am. See the Aston Martin out there?”

I pointed through the window. Dan was sitting on the bonnet, looking bored, her skirt short enough to cause a scandal in Lower Foxford. Mrs. Squires followed my gaze.

“Does that look like the kind of car a stable girl would drive?” I asked. “No? You’d better believe I can make good on that promise.”

Ah, a flicker of fear. Now we were getting somewhere.

“Did you know that under the Theft Act 1968, section 21, the maximum sentence for blackmail is fourteen years? Wonder what the food’s like in prison?”

She swallowed hard and took a step back.

“If I tell you what I know, you promise you’ll leave me alone?”

Wow. That was easier than I thought. Guess it was true that bullies were just cowards in disguise.

“Sure. Brownie’s honour.” Just in case, I kept my fingers crossed behind my back. I felt no loyalty to the snivelling woman in front of me. “Talk.”

“I don’t know much. Mr. Halston-Cain had several affairs over the years, but the woman who gave birth to his child was named Fiona. I remember her coming to the house one day while she was pregnant. Mr. H wanted her to have an abortion.”


“They had a huge argument, and Mr. Halston-Cain said he wanted nothing more to do with her. He accused her of trying to trap him, and judging by the look of her, he was right. Common as muck, that girl was. He said he’d give her money each month, but if she ever tried to contact him again, the payments would stop. That was more than generous if you ask me.”

“What was her last name?”

“I don’t know.”

I took a step closer, feeling satisfaction as she cowered. “Tell me.”

“I don’t know, I swear.”

“How long ago did it happen?”

She shrunk before my eyes. “Right before Luke’s birth. Odd how Mr. H managed to get two women pregnant at the same time.”

What a prick. Mrs. Squires glanced towards the door, looking for a way out. Tough luck. She could leave when I’d finished with her.

“Where did Fiona live?”

“Not around here. London, I think.”

South London, by any chance? All roads led to the city. I didn’t bother bidding the dragon goodbye as I strode out to the car, already planning our next move. Dan had the engine started by the time I pulled the door open.

“Where to, kemosabe?”

“London. We’re going back to London.”

Four and a half hours until the ransom drop. I’d filled Dan in, and now my stomach grumbled because I’d missed lunch. But I had no time to think of food. I needed Mack instead.

Except Mack didn’t answer, and my call got transferred to her assistant.

“Can you put me through to Mack? Where is she?”

“Emmy? I can’t believe you’re back. We’ve all missed you.”

Guilt. Trip. “I’ve missed you too. Where’s Mack?”