“Marco twisted his ankle jumping out the way of some bullets. Once the adrenaline wore off, he realised it was worse than he thought. The doc reckons it’s only ligament damage, but it’s the size of a watermelon.”
“There are still ten people left.”
Mack played devil’s advocate from the next continent. “Nick, we still don’t know where Diego or Carlos are. It’s possible that someone recognised Seb or Marco at the compound and told them who it was that attacked the place. Worst case scenario is that they’re on their way to Eduardo’s right now, intent on revenge.”
“Okay, so why don’t we put a couple of people in the second helicopter? They can come to the pick-up point and the four of us here can go on to the compound.”
Luke didn’t hear the answer because Eduardo’s heavily accented voice interrupted.
“One of my team has just radioed in. There’s a red helicopter coming in low on the south side of the estate. He wants to know if he should shoot at it?” The old man sounded hopeful.
“NO!” about six people shouted back.
“Not until we know who it is,” Nate clarified.
“He will not be happy to hear that. My men here feel as if they have missed out on all the excitement today.” Eduardo grudgingly passed on the instruction, though.
Nate assumed command. “Everyone inside. Carmen, get somewhere you can get a bead on it.”
Carmen kept everyone updated as she dug herself in behind the stone balustrade bordering Eduardo’s patio and started up a commentary. “I can see the helicopter coming over the tree line. Doesn’t look as if it’s in a hurry.”
“She’s got the best view, through her sniper’s scope,” Mack explained to Luke.
“Who’s in it?” Nate asked. “Can you see?”
“Not yet. Give me a second.”
Mack gripped Luke’s hand. All they could do was wait.
Then Carmen’s voice came back. “I think it’s Emmy. It’s someone with long hair, anyway, but she’s filthy. Okay, it’s coming closer.” A short pause. “Yes, it’s her. It’s Emmy.”
A collective sigh of relief rose from the contingent in Colombia, and Mack sagged back into Luke’s arms.
“Thank goodness,” he whispered to her. His cantankerous ex had survived once again.
“Nick, get back here,” Nate ordered over the radio.
“With pleasure.”
Carmen kept up her commentary. “She’s landing down at the end of the garden.”
Luke recalled from their research that Eduardo’s garden was more of a park, at least two hundred metres long.
“She’d better have a good explanation for this,” Nate growled. “And where in the devil’s name did she get the helicopter?”
“Hang on. She’s not alone. There’s someone with her. Actually, no, I think it’s two people. It’s hard to see. There’s glare on the windscreen. Oh.”
“It looks like... Well...a dog, I think, sitting in the backseat.”
“Why has she brought a dog? She already has a dog. Can you see who the other people are yet? They couldn’t be holding her hostage, could they?”
“Nate! Don’t be so ridiculous. Anyway, she’s turned to the person beside her like she’s talking. The rotors are slowing. They’re getting out now. She’s out. The person in the front with her is a man, quite tall. And it’s a woman in the back. She looks pregnant, and they’re all covered in dirt.”
“Ah, we saw a pregnant woman the first time we visited the compound. Japanese looking. That must be who Emmy went back for. But what about the man?”