Page 287 of The Black Trilogy

“Sure she can. I promise most of the guys will be gone by this evening.”

“Most of them? How many are you planning to keep around?”

“Don’t worry; my house isn’t some debauched playground. Bradley might stay, plus Jed. He’s on sick leave, and he’s developed an addiction to my games room. I’ll make sure he’s got clothes on at all times.”

“Just the two of them?”

“Just two.”

“In that case, I’ll tell her she can stay.”

“What are your plans for today? Do I need to keep an eye on her?”

“If you wouldn’t mind. I’ve got an appointment with a realtor at three, then Mack’s going to show me around town.”

“If you need an office, I’ve probably got a vacant one.”

“You own real estate?”

“Don’t look so surprised. Just because I was elbow-deep in horse poop when you met me doesn’t mean I don’t know how to invest.”

“Oh.” He glanced at Mack, who nodded. “In that case, what have you got?”

I’d met with my property agent not long ago, and my portfolio was doing nicely, thank you very much.

“How about a vacant floor in a building on Forest Avenue? You can have it free for six months if you want.”

Generous? Not really. I still felt like I owed him for providing me with room and board and other forms of, ahem, entertainment back in England, and besides, if he stayed, I’d make a profit on the rent in the future.

“In that case, I’ll put it at the top of my list.”

“I’ll get someone to take you over there, and in the meantime, I’m borrowing Mack for lunch. I’ve barely seen her for weeks.”

Mack and I went out to Claude’s. The restaurant was French, but because I was a good customer, they allowed me a bit of leeway with my menu choices. I took a secret delight in seeing how far I could push it.

After a quick perusal of the specials’ board, Mack ordered first. “I’ll have the Sole Meunière, s’il vous plait.”

The waiter nodded.

I grinned at him. “I’ll have a Kobe beef burger and fries, extra tomato, no pickle, and could you do me a side order of crispy seaweed?”

He gulped and gave me a sickly smile. “Mais oui, madame.”

Mack shook her head as he scurried off. “Why do you always do that?”

“Claude bet me a few months ago that he could serve up anything I ordered, and I like to challenge him.”

“Have you beaten him yet?”

Much to my annoyance, no. “I had ostrich in satay sauce last week. It was disgusting.”

That was met with a peal of laughter. “Serves you right.”

I was pleased to see Mack upbeat. After the idiot before last, she’d moped for weeks, so it seemed as if Luke was doing her some good. I said as much to her, and when she blushed, I knew I was right.

“I really like him,” she confessed.

“You’re good together. Two techie-freaks. I bet when you mention logic gates and ‘if’ statements he actually knows what you’re talking about.”