Page 23 of The Black Trilogy

I had an F40 in my garage. Big deal.

Henry’s fingers crept up my arm, and I resisted the urge to break them. I needed to keep a low profile, and getting arrested for assault wouldn’t help matters.

“Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom.” I shuffled out from the bench seat and hurried to the ladies’, followed by a wobbly Hayley.

“I think Henry likes you,” she said when she arrived a few seconds later.

“I got that.”

“What are you doing?” she asked, looking beyond me to the window I’d just opened.

“Planning my escape.”

“Out of the window?”

“Doors are so last year.”

“Aw… Me and Susie are going out to a club with the other guys. Susie knows them from school. You sure you don’t want to come? It’ll be fun.”

“I’m sure. I’d rather have an early night.”

Or lie on a bed of burning coals or shave my legs with a cutlass.

“You need the number for a cab?”

“I’ll walk. It’s only a couple of miles, and the moon’s bright tonight.”

She stepped forward and gave me a hug. Weird. Few people ever hugged me, mainly because they were worried I’d shoot them.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” she said.

I forced a smile. “Yeah. Have a good time.”

Tomorrow evening, I’d stay in.

Saturday came all too soon, and I was scheduled to work again despite being exhausted. I’d barely slept for three nights, and I knew I’d been sleepwalking at least once because I woke up on the bathroom floor, freezing. The lack of rest left me cranky and slow, and mucking out took twice as long as usual. I found myself hoping Portia would bring her brother along again so I could get a hand with the sweeping.

My wish came true half an hour later when his silver Porsche 911 pulled into the car park. He unfolded himself from the seat and followed Portia into the barn, head down and shoulders hunched. I checked my watch and started a countdown. Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, Susie and Hayley emerged wearing full make-up and freshly laundered jeans. I smirked and held out brooms to them as they passed.

“Might as well make yourselves useful.”

Susie looked blank. “What? Oh…”

Hayley had the good grace to act sheepish as she accepted her broom. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Enjoy.”

Sweeping sorted, I carried on to the feed room, pleased to avoid the gossip-fest undoubtedly taking place in the barn. I was halfway through preparing the feeds when Portia’s brother slunk in.

“You don’t mind if I just…?”

“Be my guest.” I waved over at the bin where he’d perched last week.

“Thanks. It’s worse than usual this morning. They seem to have turned up with reinforcements. One of them’s actually wearing a dress, and I’m pretty sure her eyelashes aren’t real.” He rolled his eyes, but there was weariness in them rather than humour.

“Why do you come, then?” I asked, continuing to scoop snake oil into bowls. “Couldn’t you just drop your sister off and go home?”

“I wish. I promised mother I’d spend time with her, and if you met my mother, you’d know it was easier for me to stay.”