“I do, stubborn as hell.”
“Right,” he replies with a chuckle.
“I’m concerned for your safety, little brother.”
“You know what they say … if you lie down with dogs, you’ll get fleas. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I decided to stay, Alex. I could’ve walked away when you gave me an out, but I chose this life. Live by the sword, die by the sword.”
“Stop talking like that.”
“I’m more concerned about you. You’re the Mancini heir; you’re probably at the top of their hit list.”
“I know. I’ll tighten my security and lay low for a while.”
“You might want to take Giovanni with you.”
He’s right, but I don’t like my chances of getting Sophia to agree to that. I haven’t even asked her if he can spend the night yet.
“Be safe,” I tell him. “And don’t do anything reckless.”
“You too. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry that you’ve been dragged into this mess. I know this isn’t the life you want.”
My skin prickles as I walk back up to the house. There’s a storm brewing, and who knows if any of us will make it out alive.
“What do you mean Giovanni’s life might be in danger?” Sophia screeches as I pace back and forth in her living room.
My family’s line of work was never a secret to her; after all, we were married for a brief time. At first, my father accepted her without hesitation, and Giovanni too, until the truth came to light.
I don’t trust this woman, so I’ll keep the details to a minimum. But if I have any chance of protecting my son, she’ll need to hear the cold, hard facts.
“A hit has been put out on my family.”
“Hmm,” she hums as a small smile plays on her lips. “I don’t see how this affects us. Technically, Giovanni is no longer part of your family; he’s not even your kid.”
After all this time, that knowledge still cuts me to the bone, but Sophia is a nasty, spiteful bitch, and uses every opportunity she can get to throw that back in my face.
I clear my throat and take a sharp breath through mynose, trying to remain calm. Losing my cool with her won’t get me anywhere. “He still bears my name; that’s enough to put his life in danger.”
“Well, hire some damn guards to watch the house.”
“That won’t be enough … that won’t stop them. We’ll need to go underground for a while. I’d like to take him to a safe house just until things calm down.”
“Do I get to come?”
“No!” I bark.
Being locked away with this woman for any length of time would be a fate worse than death. I think I’d rather take my chances with the Mortellis than face that.
“But I still bear your name,” she says, pouting.
“Which I’ve told you to change a million times.” Her eyes narrow as her hands move to her hips. “It’s a known fact that we are no longer married, so there are no bullseyes on your back.”
“Can you guarantee that?”
“No, but I’m happy to hire those guards you just asked for if it will help.”
“But you said?—”
“That there is no threat to you,” I snap, cutting her off.