Page 131 of The Deal

“I’m going to head upstairs and shower,” Dante says. “I need some sleep.”

“Okay. I’ll wake you when we’re ready to leave.”

“Don’t bother. I’m going to hang around for a bit. I have some loose ends to tie up.”

“What loose ends?”

“That’s a story for another day, big brother.”

Chapter 38


Who could have known, a year ago, when Chloe sat on my lap that Christmas morning in the main room of my cabin, watching Giovanni tear into his presents, that twelve months later, we’d be doing the same thing again?

The difference this time is that everything has changed. I remember pretending last time that we were a real family, even though I knew deep down that wasn’t true.

As much as I loved my time with them that morning, I couldn’t ignore the ticking time bomb hovering over my head. That my fleeting moment of happiness was just that …fleeting.

There’s no more uncertainty, no more wondering if I’ll ever get to do this again. Chloe and Giovanni are mine to keep.

As soon as filing the parental rights was completed, Chloe began the adoption process. In the eyes of the law, we are officially his parents now. And next year, we will welcome another child into the fold.

Life is good.It’s better than good.

Sophia returned to Australia a few weeks after we did,sans Luigi. She never asked for Giovanni back—not that I would’ve handed him over—but she did reach out. She wanted to know if she could stay at the house where she and her son used to live until she got on her feet.

I was still angry with her for what she did—more so for how she went about it—but a part of me couldn’t help but feel bad for her. I’m not the arsehole she insists I am. I agreed to let her stay there, but made it clear that my financial support would stop.

I’d continue to pay the rates and insurance on the property since it was in Giovanni’s name, but I told her it was time for her to get a job and stand on her own two feet.

A few months later, I offered her the chance to see her son, but only under the condition of a supervised visit. I did it more for Giovanni than her, but she declined—her loss.

Giovanni never asks about her anymore. He’s settling in well and thriving in his new environment here with us, enjoying school and all that comes with it.

Chloe has also found her own rhythm, becoming good friends with one of Giovanni’s classmates' mothers. The four of them often have playdates together.

Our son is surrounded by everything he needs, especially our love and time. With us, he’ll never want for anything. His biological mother, though … I’m not sure what she is looking for, but she’s going about it all wrong.

A fool searches for happiness far and wide, while a wise man nurtures it right where he stands. Home will always be wherever my heart is; that’s here, with these two … soon to be three.

I move my hand from Chloe’s hip to gently caress the small baby bump my beautiful wife is now sporting. Knowingmychild is growing inside her fills me with something I can’t quite put into words.

She’s sexy as fuck swollen with my child, and I haven’tbeen able to keep my hands off her since she began showing. This woman does it for me in so many ways. As soon as she pops this one out, I’m going to fill her with another.

She turns her face towards me, reaching up to hook her arm around my neck. “Buon Natale, Alex.”

I lean in and place my lips against hers. “Buon Natale a te, amore mio.”

Our eyes remain locked, and the air crackles around us. That undeniable chemistry we’ve shared right from the beginning still burns strong.

“This one’s for you, Mummy,” Giovanni says, breaking our moment. His eyes are wide with excitement as he climbs to his knees and hands Chloe the wrapped gift in his hand. “It’s from Daddy.”

This is just one of many gifts I’ve placed under the tree for Chloe this year.

This particular present doesn’t carry much monetary value, but to me it’s priceless. It holds deep personal meaning for me and was made with her in mind. I’m a little nervous she might think it’s cheesy; I’m not exactly the type to wear my heart on my sleeve. I went back and forth on whether to give it to her at all.

But Chloe is different; I would do or be anything for this woman. I want her to know every single day how much she means to me. With her, I find myself doing things I never imagined. I guess that’s the power of love. It inspires you to step outside your comfort zone and take chances, to express parts of yourself you didn’t even know were there.