I draw my face back, shocked by her comment. “Are you always this reckless? Because I can assure you, I’m not.” That’s another valuable lesson I learnt many years ago, and just thinking about that makes me suspicious. Is there more to this hookup than I initially thought?
“I’ve never had unprotected sex in my life,” she grumbles, narrowing her eyes.
“But suddenly now is okay?”
She places her flattened palms on my chest and pushes on it slightly as she squirms her body around. “Let me down. This was a mistake.”
“No,” I growl, pressing my torso further into hers, trapping her in place.
“I came up here for the orgasms, not a third-degree.”
“I don’t understand your rationale. Make it make sense. You’ve never had unprotected sex before, but you’re willing to have it now with a man you don’t even know?”
“It’s just … fuck. You wouldn’t understand.” She pushes on my chest again, but I remain steadfast. “I should go.”
“You’re not going anywhere until I get answers. Are you trying to trap me?”
She releases a sarcastic laugh that pisses me off. “Trap you? Hardly. I don’t even know you, or particularly like you, for that matter.”
Or particularly like you?The fuck!
This time, my eyes narrow. “That’s comforting to know since my cock is currently buried deep inside you.”
“I was caught up in the moment, nothing more. I’ve had a day from hell and selfishly thought an orgasm or two may give me the pick-me-up I need since the alcohol I consumed downstairs didn’t help.”
“Why was your day hell?”
“Jesus, you’re nosey.”
“Just answer the damn question.”
“My entire life is shit.”
“What was so hellish about your day?” I growl. “Despite wearing a drink or having your buttons ripped off your blouse.”
She blows out a puff of air before saying, “I lost one of my jobs because my heap–of-shit car finally packed it in on my way to work earlier.”
“One of your jobs? How many do you have?”
“I had three until an hour ago.”
I take a moment to let her words sink in. I have an overwhelming compulsion to buy her a new car or, at the very least, give her a well-paying job in any of my establishments. But her fierce independence tells me any offer of help will only offend her, so I bite my tongue.
Instead, I ask, “You work three jobs?”
“I’m done talking. You either put me down so I can leave, or you fuck me. Your choice.”
There is so much more I want to know, but I can tell by the seriousness on her face I have two options. I’m not a fool. Obviously, I choose the latter.
After taking her hard and fast against the wall—pulling out before I blew my load, because that was a chance I wasn’t willing to take—I carried her into the master bathroom, where we showered.
When we were done, we spent the next few hours in bed, where I took my time getting to know her body more intimately. She definitely lived up to the hype, so much so that I plan on keeping her here until morning.
I want to have her again when I wake.