Page 64 of The Deal

“It’s tradition,” he says. “Isn’t it, Dad?”

I fold my arms across my chest and wink at her when she gives me pleading eyes. “It sure is,” I state.

“Ugh,” she mumbles under her breath as she clenches her eyes closed and puckers those sweet lips of hers.

“I wish I didn’t have to go home,” Giovanni whines as I pack up the rest of his things.

“I wish that too, buddy.”

“Can you, me, and Chloe go back to the cabin next weekend?”

“I don’t have you next weekend, but we can go the following week.”

He pouts his bottom lip, so I ruffle his hair. This happens every Sunday night.

We got back to the house a few hours ago, and while Carmella prepared our catch, we all headed upstairs to shower and change before dinner. Separately, of course. I got Giovanni sorted first while Chloe went to her room.

“Why can’t I live here with you, Dad?” he asks. It’s not something he’s ever mentioned before.

“Because you live with your mum.”

“But she’s no fun. She’s always going out with her friends and leaving me at home with Mimi.”

I blow out a long breath. “You like spending time with Mimi, though, right?”

“Yeah, but I’d rather be spending time with you and Chlo. Mummy makes Mimi teach me arithitic and algebra, instead of playing and having fun.”

“You mean arithmetic?”

“Yeah, that. It sucks donkey’s balls.”

My eyebrows jump so high they almost reach my hairline. “It sucks donkey’s balls?” I ask. “Where did you hear that?”



“Yeah. I heard her mumble it today when she was trying to untangle her fishing line.”

I roll my lips to hide my amusement. “Did she now?” I’ll be punishing her for that once we’re alone.

“Mummy said she wants me to be the smartest kid in the world, but I just want to be a regular boy.”

Poor fucking kid.

I squat down to his level and wrap him in my arms. “How about I ask your mum if you can come next weekend? Maybe spend the night here with us.”

He draws his face back, and it instantly lights up. “Could we stay at the cabin?”

“I’ll ask your mum and see what she says.”

It’s a long shot, but I’ll give it my best try.

She’d never voluntarily agree to let me spend more time with him, but a nice cash advantage should do the trick. I’m not above bribing her for extra time with my son. It’s how I originally got him every second Sunday.

Sophia doesn’t do anything out of the kindness of her heart. She only keeps us apart to punish me for leaving.

She’s a selfish bitch like that.