I inherited my father’s genius and love of numbers, so when my life began to unravel, I dropped out of school, went to TAFE full-time for one year, and got a Certificate IV in Accountancy and Bookkeeping while bussing tables at night to help make ends meet.
When the gates open, we continue down the driveway, and that sinking feeling returns when the car pulls to a stop at the front of the house. I don’t know what to expect once I get inside, but I’m gathering nothing good.
I’ve already counted five men on the grounds of the premises since we’ve driven through the gate. That does not include the three inside this car. Who knows how many more are inside the house? Am I going to be passed around? That thought makes me want to hurl.
Is this what my life will be like from now on? Being a plaything for a horde of suit-wearing men? This morning, I honestly thought things couldn’t possibly get worse. How wrong I was.
The driver gets out and opens Alexander’s door first, and once he’s exited the car, he turns and reaches for my hand.Is he kidding right now?He’s just forcibly taken me from my home at gunpoint, and he wants to act chivalrous? What a hypocrite.
I level him with a look that hopefully tells him I don’t want his filthy paws on me, and when he smirks like a smug motherfucker, I’m confident he got the message loud and clear.
Hesitantly, I step out of the vehicle, and when his hand rests on the small of my back, I flinch away as if I’ve been burned.
He chuckles as he grasps my upper arm, forcibly leadsme up the stairs, and leans in to whisper, “I like a challenge,bella.”
I speak fluent Italian—thanks to my mother—so I know he just called me beautiful, and I hate how much I like that.
I take in my surroundings as I stand in the elaborate foyer at the base of the large staircase that leads upstairs. I’ll need an intimate layout of this place if I plan on escaping.
One noticeable difference between his home and the penthouse suite he took me to that first night, is that this place is far less gaudy.
His home is modern, with sleek lines that embody minimalist elegance and sophistication. Its clean, streamlined architecture features sharp angles and smooth surfaces that emphasise simplicity.
The large windows along the front of the facade invite plenty of natural light in, creating an open, airy atmosphere. The combination of glass, steel, and concrete adds to its contemporary feel. The overall design is uncluttered and, dare I say, impressive.
I side-eye him and feel my cheeks heat when I realise he’s been watching me the entire time.
“I’m just taking inventory for when I plan my escape.”
My comment earns me another one of his devastating smiles that has the breath hitching in my throat. I can’t believe after everything this man has put me through today, my inner hoe still reacts to him.
“Good luck with that,” he retorts like a smug bastard.
I respond by narrowing my eyes, making it clear I’m unimpressed—not just with him, but with this whole ordeal.
Today, he showed me exactly the type of person he is: dangerous and ruthless. And although a large part of me ispetrified of what is to come, I refuse to let him see that I’m scared. Showing your weakness to others gives them ammunition to use against you.
With that thought in mind, I reach for the top button of my blouse. “Let’s get this over with,” I say.
He arches an eyebrow when I move to the second button. “What are you doing?” he asks.
“Undressing. You brought me here under coercion so you could forcibly have your way with me … so let’s get this over with.”
I untuck the blouse from my skirt as he silently observes me. When the last button is undone, I slide my shoulders back, letting the fabric slip down my arms until it gathers in a pool at my feet.
We were the only two to enter the house. Did he previously instruct the others to wait outside? Or is kidnapping women something he does regularly?
He takes a step towards me, invading my personal space, sending a shiver coursing down my spine. For fuck’s sake, I need to get this body of mine under control.
“Is that what you want, Chloe? Me to fuck you?”
“It’s the last thing I want, but something tells me you’ll take what you want anyway.”
“I have never forced myself on anyone, and I don’t plan to start now. I’m going to enjoy wearing you down, though, and when I do, you’ll be begging for my cock.”
“Ha! When hell freezes over.”
“Never say never,bella,” he utters, reaching up to skim the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip, dragging it down as he goes. “And when that day comes, I’m going to kiss these plump fucking lips of yours, and you’re going to love it.”