“I haven’t always been dirt-poor, arsehole. I once lived a life as opulent as the one you do.”
“I highly doubt that. Now get up,” he sneers, leaning down to wrap his hand around my forearm, yanking me to my feet. His grip is tight but not enough to leave a mark. “You’ve wasted enough of my time.”
“You took them, didn’t you?”
“Your make-believe jewels? I’m many things,Tesoro, but I’m no thief.”
My eyes lock with his. “You’re a despicable human being is what you are. I can’t believe I let you put your dick in me.”
“You and I both know you loved it,” he says as he tugs me out of the room.
“I hated every second of it … I hate you!”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do.”
“You weren’t this mouthy the other night. Maybe I should stick my dick between your lips to shut you up.”
“You’re a pig.”
“I’ve been called worse.”
“Your mother must be so proud.”
“My mother is dead,” he deadpans.
Before I can formulate a reply, we reach the front room, and he gives me a slight shove in the direction of my father as he lets me go.
I focus my attention on my dad—the damn fool—who is still in the same position we left him in. I just gave him the perfect opportunity to get the hell out of here, and I can’t believe he didn’t take it.
“Did you take my jewels?” I ask, my stupid voice cracking again. I’m pretty sure I already know the answer, but I need to ask it nonetheless.
“I’m sorry, Chloe-bear.”
“How could you?”
“I’m a sick man …”
“You have done some pretty shitty things in the past, but this …”
“I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me. I deserve that … for this and everything I’ve put you through over the years.”
When he covers his face with his hands and begins to weep, it breaks my heart. He lost way more than I did when my mother left. He lost the love of his life, his career … his dignity.
I kneel in front of him, and when I see the tears cascading down his cheeks, the ones I’ve been struggling to hold back rise to the surface. “I don’t hate you, Dad.”
“You should.”
“You’re my father; unlikeher, you never abandoned me when you so easily could have.”
“You needed me.”
“Until I didn’t.”
“I’m sorry for being such a fuck up.”