“I want you to answer your son’s calls next time. Imagine just for a moment how that poor kid feels. His mum fucks off overseas for months on end and doesn’t bother to check in on him once.”
She should be more concerned about her child’s happiness than her own.
“I told you I’ve been busy.”
“If that’s the best you’ve got, then you don’t deserve him.”
“Fuck you, Alexander.”
“If you stopped thinking of yourself for once, you’d know what I’m saying is right.”
“I’m still young, I deserve a break … I deserve happiness too.”
“Then give him to me.”
“Not a chance in hell. And while we are on the subject, how come you’ve stopped depositing money into my account?”
“Because that money I give you is for Giovanni, and since he’s living with me now …”
“When he’s back with you, I’ll start making the deposits again.”
The thought of him going back to her … not being able to see him every day, weighs heavily on my heart.
I ignore her snarky reply.
“I’m applying for a passport for Giovanni,” I state. I had planned on discussing it with her first, but now I’m just going to go ahead and do it.
“I’m bringing him to Italy.”
“You can’t send him here. Luigi doesn’t even know I have a kid.”
You’d think, as his mother, she’d be dying to see him after being apart for so long.
“Don’t worry, this has nothing to do with you. Chloe andI are planning to get married over there … we want him to be part of it. I’ll need your permission to take him out of the country.”
“Maybe you should’ve thought of that before being an arsehole.”
“Either you give me permission, or I’ll get it another way.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“No, I’m just telling you how it is. He’s been in my care for months, and I’ve been funding his life—and yours—since he was born. That has to count for something. I also have the resources to get the best lawyer money can buy, so I’ll get a court order if need be.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.”
She blows out a puff of air in defeat. I rarely play hardball with her, but I’m done with this woman and the constant bullshit she throws my way.
“What do you require from me?”
“I will email you the paperwork you need to sign. I want a prompt reply.”