Page 116 of The Deal

Dante bears a strong resemblance to his older brother—not identical, but it’s clear they’re family, as he has that same tall, dark, and handsome Adonis thing going on—but the most significant difference between the two lies in their personalities. Alexander has a more serious, guarded vibe, while Dante is laid-back, carefree, and effortlessly easygoing.

In saying that, though, I know Alexander more intimately—both the good and the bad—the man behind the mask. But with Dante, it’s different. Given the lifestyle he’s just come from, there’s an undercurrent of something darker that I don’t think I’m fully privy to. A side he keeps buried, and no matter how close I get, I’m not sure I’ll ever fully understand it.

I settle back into my seat and cover my mouth to muffle my yawn.

I’m spent.

I need a warm bath and a nap.

What was supposed to be a simple christening of Alexander’s desk turned into a full-on fuckfest on every surface of his office. It feels like a constant pattern with us; we can’t seem to keep our hands off each other. When we’re together, it’s nothing short of explosive.

“Dude, can you cut out the nonstop leg bouncing? It’s giving me anxiety,” Dante says to Alexander.

I may be sitting beside him, but I’m so zoned out I didn’t even realise. “You okay?” I ask, placing my hand on his leg.

“I’m fine,” Alexander replies, turning his face to stare out the window.

It’s a telltale sign he’s stressed about something. He did thesame thing on the way to his father’s funeral. Is he struggling more than he’s letting on?

“Chloe and I are going to head upstairs to shower and change when we get home. Will you tell Carmella to hold off on dinner for half an hour?”

“Half an hour?” Dante replies. “Are you sure you don’t need longer?”

Alexander turns his head in our direction, leaning forward in his seat to make eye contact with his brother. “Why would we need longer?”

Dante subtly nudges my side, so I know he’s about to rile up his brother. He seems to take pleasure in getting under his skin.

He shrugs. “You rudely kicked me and Antonio out of your office so you could fuck my little sister six ways to Sunday?—”

Alexander growls, cutting his brother off midsentence. I roll my lips to hide my smile. He took the bait …again.

“You may still be recovering from your injuries, but if you disrespect Chloe like that again, I’ll knock you the fuck out … and she’s not your sister.”

“My bad … sister-in-law.”

“She’s not that either.”

“She will be when you pull your head out of your arse and marry her.”

“Shut up,” Alexander grumbles, but his brother isn’t done.

“You know we all heard you guys right.”

“Oh, my God,” I squeak, covering my face with my hands.

“Not you, Chlo,” he says, placing his hand on my knee and giving it a slight squeeze. Alexander promptly pushes it away. “It was Leo-the-fucking-Lion over here.” He juts his thumb towards Alex. “Dude, what was with that fuckingroar? You sounded like you were purging demons from your soul.”

“I’ll purge you in a minute,” he retorts through gritted teeth.

“I’m pretty sure I even heard one of your guests ask if there was a wild beast loose in the hotel.”

When Alexander growls, my shoulders bob with silent laughter.

Dante chuckles as he uses his hand to cast out an imaginary line before reeling it back in.

“You’re a prick,” Alexander murmurs before shifting his gaze to me. “Don’t encourage him.”

“I’m just messing with you, Alex. Relax,” Dante retorts. “Can I at least expect another niece or nephew in the near future?”