God only knew how I stayed away. The urge to go up to my apartment, let myself in, and force her into submission the same way I did before was real. I could have even made it work, but in the long run, I knew Maeve would resent me for it. I already took her choices away from her once, and I wasn’t about to do it again.
So, I did as she asked. I stayed away and tried to give her the space she’d asked for, even if it did drive me fucking crazy.
My days were spent over at the gym with Donovan, starting his renovations, and then I’d head on over to the bar and work all night. I was exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep anyway, so no harm, no foul.
New Year’s Eve was finally upon us, and it was one of the busiest nights for the Shamrock. A steady stream of patrons had been turning up since about seven. Now, it was almost eleven, and the place was packed to the rafters.
Donovan stopped letting people in about thirty minutes before. I didn’t want to screw around with regulations, and anyway, the wait and bar staff were already struggling to keep up with orders.
Everybody was here: the Speed Demons, their women, my brothers and sister. It seemed the entire town had turned up, all except the one person I wanted here.
My wife.
I was on the verge of calling Ma and asking her to come in and help when I spotted her across the room. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Maeve who stopped me in my tracks but another woman entirely.
Bethany Tucker was the cousin of Carl. She lived in Nebraska, and I’d known her since we were both seventeen and we lost our virginity to each other one summer when she visited him and his family.
Beth was nothing like her cousin. She was blonde, leggy, gorgeous, and sexy, with big green eyes and a wicked sense of humor. She was the only repeat I’d ever had, and the only woman I’d ever considered making my girlfriend. In the end, distance kept us apart. She met a guy and got married, and we ended things.
About two years ago, she got a divorce and came to visit, so of course, we ended up in bed again. Since then, we’d met up a few more times, usually for sex, and even spoken on the phone here and there. Like I said, she was funny and a cool chick, but that was all before Maeve.
Beth looked straight at me and lifted her hand in a small wave just as my face stretched into a wide smile. Within seconds, I was over there, sweeping her up into a big hug and swinging her around. “Jesus,” I exclaimed. “How have you been?”
Beth pulled back, her green eyes roaming over my face. “I’m good. How are you?”
I shrugged. “Fucked up from working so hard.”
“Good,” she stated. “Working hard’s all that keeps you out of trouble.”
I chuckled. “Well, not really. Trouble found me in the form of a wife. I got married a few months ago.”
Her jaw fell to the floor.
I wiggled my ring finger in her face. “Somebody finally made an honest man outta me.”
She shook her head slowly, fixing a smile on her face. “Wow, Callum. I can hardly believe it.” She looked around the bar. “Where is she? If you were my husband, I’d be glued to your side.”
An uneasy feeling washed over me, and I frowned.
There was no mistaking the hint of bitchiness in her tone, which wasn’t like Bethany. She’d always been nice and polite; of course, not as sweet and personable as Maeve, but not many people were.
“You okay?” I asked, releasing her shoulders. “You seem irritated.”
Beth seemed lost for words for a minute, but then she sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. I was hoping to come here and finally—” She paused for a few seconds before continuing, “We’ve been skirting around each other for too long. I was thinking new year, fresh start and all that.”
The meaning behind her words dawned on me, and my eyes widened. “Oh.”
Her hand came to mine, and she began to lace our fingers together, looking up at me. “Wanna go somewhere quiet and talk?”
I ripped my fingers away from hers as if I’d been burnt and muttered, “Shit.”
Her hand rested on my chest. “I’ve missed you.”
“Are you fuckin’ crazy?” I snapped, my tone high with panic. “I just said I’m married.” I took a step back from her and bumped into somebody who was standing behind me. That was when Maeve’s voice rang out.
Slowly, I looked over my shoulder to see my wife at my back with her eyebrow cocked and a hand on her popped hip. “I’m Maeve,” she announced, her stare resting on Beth. “Callum’swife.” She looked at me, and her lips twitched before her eyes drifted back to Bethany, hardening slightly. “And you are...?”