“Yeah, Mouth Almighty,” Breaker murmured, sipping his water. “You’ve only got yourself to blame.”
“I didn’t know it was a state fuckin’ secret, did I?” the SAA retorted, jerking a thumb at me. “He should have told me Maeve wasn’t clued in on his shenanigans.”
“For someone whose entire job centers around keeping their trap shut, you flap your gums incessantly when it comes to other people’s business,” Cash muttered from beside Atlas. “I hope you’ve taken your bullshit on board this time.”
“Yip.” Atlas looked down sheepishly. “I’m gutted that I’ve hurt Toots’s feelings. Saw her in the street the other day, and I thought she was gonna start fuckin’ weeping. Her eyes were red, and she looked like she hadn’t slept for a week.” He sucked air in through his teeth. “Felt like a real fucknut.”
My shoulders drooped resignedly. “It’s not your fault. I was the one who wasn’t honest. It’s on me, nobody else. You wouldn’t have been talking if I hadn’t given you something to gossip about. Can’t blame anybody but myself for this fuck-up.”
The boys shot me pitiful looks.
“When was the last time you spoke to her?” Bowie asked.
I took a pull of beer to try and clear the lump from my throat. “Day she threw me out.”
Cash’s lips twitched. “Still can’t believe she kicked you outta your own apartment.”
I shrugged. “What was my alternative? Let her walk the streets? Nah!”
“Bet your mom’s being frosty as fuck,” Breaker muttered. “She loves Maeve.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. “More than me, it seems, seeing as my ma wouldn’t put me up. She’s well and truly in Maeve’s corner.”
“Where you crashin’?” Atlas asked, his forehead furrowing questioningly.
“With Donovan above the gym,” I admitted.
“But he’s got no fuckin’ furniture.” Cash laughed.
“He’s gotta La-Z-Boy, and I went out and bought a blow-up bed,” I mumbled. “We shower in the gym.”
“Jesus Christ,” Breaker exclaimed. “Can you imagine being nearly forty years old and havin’ to crash at your little brother’s fuck pad on a blow-up bed?” He pressed his lips together to stop himself from laughing.
“Donny goes to his women’s places,” I informed him haughtily. “It’s not like I watch him fucking his harem.”
Cash chuckled.
Bowie grinned down at his boots.
Breaker busted out laughing. “It’d be like one of the ol’ lady’s romance books. Brothers and their buddies, all having a fine ol’ time with their woman.” He clicked his fingers, trying to remember something. “What do they call it?”
“Why choose,” Cash replied.
“Why choose what?” Atlas asked, obviously lost in the convo, though admittedly, I wasn’t far behind him.
“It’s a romance book genre,” Cash informed him. “Why choose or reverse harem. They’re books about a group of guys and one chick.”
Atlas’s head reared back, his eyes widening. “Say what now?”
Cash nodded sagely.
“You mean like a train?” Atlas asked.
“Yeah, but no,” Cash explained, clear as mud. “They all fuck the chick, but they’re in a relationship. The dudes are in love with the girl. A train’s more...” He paused to think of the word. “Bikery.”
The men snickered.
“Do the dudes fuck each other?” At demanded.