His head reared back. “That’s yourwife? When the fuck didyouget married?”
I snarled.
He dropped Maeve’s elbow like it burned and held his hands up. “Sorry, dude. Didn’t knowthatwas your wife.” He smirked. “She’s hot as all fuck, too good for you. She’s all class, and you’re not even a member of the country club.”
A squeak escaped Maeve’s throat. “W-well,” she stuttered. “I’m not really a country club kind of pers—Oh!”
My hand reached out, tagged her waist, and hauled her to my side. “Be very fuckin’ careful, Tucker.”
Carl’s cocky stare darted between us, then the fucker had the audacity to grin. “Calm down, Cal. I just wanted a dance.” The bastard winked at her, and then did a kissy face directedat my wife!
I had to forcibly stop myself from losing my shit. Cruise must’ve seen I was barely holding it together because he pressed a hand to my chest to push me away. “Stand down, brother. It’s not worth it.”
“Gonna rip his fucking hands off,” I threatened.
Carl must’ve had some kinda death wish because he threw back his head and laughed, and then he had the gall to turn back toward Maeve.
Within seconds, I had the back of his collar in my hand, and I was marching him toward the door. The tinkle of glass breaking sounded as I bumped into a table, and a couple of girls who were dancing squealed as they jumped out of the way.
“W-what the fuck you doing?” Carl cried.
“You wanna try and wind me up, dumb fuck?” I spat. “I’ll kick your ass out.”
Donovan, who was standing at the exit chatting up some girl, lifted his eyes over her shoulder and clocked me coming. A wide grin spread across his face, and he reached back and opened the door just in time for me to throw Carl fucking Tucker through it.
Dusting my hands off, I walked outside after him and leaned forward, watching as he scrambled to stay on his feet. “No fuckertouches my wife. Don’t come back. You’re not welcome in my bar.”
Tucker swayed but managed to stay upright before swinging around to face me. “The country club’s better than this shithole anyway.”
“Course it is!” Donny called out. “I’m sure you’ll be riveted by their charity black-tie galas, fucknut. I told you earlier what would happen if you kept getting handsy with the women in here. If I’d have seen it, I’d have beaten your ass.”
I turned my back on him to walk back inside, and my head jerked up at Donny’s shout for me to watch my back. I heard a grunt, felt a punch land, and a dull ache radiated from my kidney.
Whirling around, my temper erupted. I shot my fist into Carl’s smarmy face and watched him go down, landing hard on his back. I followed him to the ground, landing on his chest, and smashed my fist across his jaw.
Hands grabbed at my shoulders from behind and hauled me up. “That fucker’ll report you to the law, Cal,” Donny murmured in my ear. “Calm your shit and get inside.”
“He sucker punched me,” I spat.
“And you still kicked his ass.” My brother hooted.
“Either rip his heart out or come inside,” Atlas’s voice boomed from the door. “It’s too fuckin’ cold to stand out in the street.”
Carl Tucker staggered to his feet. He raised his hand and swiped at his lip. “Fuck you,” he spat.
Simmering anger scalded my insides, and I cut out, “Don’t ever touch my wife again.”
A soft hand slid up my chest. “Come inside, honey,” Maeve urged in her sweet voice. “I want the last dance with my husband.”
Her presence made my chest settle until gradually, the rage began to subside. I took Maeve’s hand in mine and pulled open the door before sliding my arm across her shoulders to guide her into the bar. “Get in the warmth, baby.” I touched my mouth to the top of her hair, trying to calm my shit.
Luckily, the party was still going strong. Atlas, Bowie, Pagan, Bootneck, and a few other of the guys who came out to watch me beat Tucker’s ass soon dispersed, and before I knew what was happening, Maeve had maneuvered me toward the bar, smiling as Adam handed us both a fresh drink. I saw Pagan grab Aislynn’s hand, tug her against his body, and start swaying.
“What’s going on there?” I asked, jerking my chin at them.
Maeve twisted her neck. “They’re both single, so there’s no harm in it.” Her eyes met mine, and she brought my bruised knuckles to her mouth, kissing them softly. “Are you okay?”
I leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. “Yep.”