Page 112 of On The Rocks

“Oh, that’s Pagan,” I explained breezily as if we were long-lost BFFs, and I hung out with murderous-looking bikers every day. “He’s their prez and very much a ladies' man. Be careful he doesn’t break your heart.”

“It’s not my heart I want him to break; it’s my vagina,” she murmured, craning her neck to get a better look at the bikers, or at least one in particular, weaving toward us through the crowd. “He’s got that Jason Statham thing going on, except he’s tougher-looking and way sexier.”

“It’s definitely a vibe,” I agreed. “But I prefer a nice shirt, good hair, and Irish charm.”

“I don’t want to wed him, Maeve,” Aislynn said.

“Good. He’s a criminal,” I pointed out.

“So’s your da,” she bit back.

I shrugged nonchalantly. “True that.”

We looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“That’s what I like to see,” a deep voice rasped. “Nothing makes a beautiful woman even more gorgeous than seeing her laugh.”

My eyes lifted to see Pagan beside us with Bootneck by his side.

“Hey!” I cried, leaning up to give him a tight hug. “How was your journey?”

“Cold,” he replied, holding his freezing hands up and touching my face.

I jumped when I heard Callum shout, “Hey!” Craning my neck, I watched him work his way through the crowd toward us. My husband reached out, grabbed my hand, and pulled me hard against his body.

“Baby,” I breathed, rubbing his hard, flat stomach comfortingly. “It’s okay.”

“It’s not,” he argued, throwing Pagan a glower. “Nobody touches Maeve but me.”

My throat emitted a weird squeak.

The other man threw his head back and laughed.

“Oh my God,” Aislynn cried, slapping Callum’s arm. “What the hell’s going on with you? Why are you acting the maggot?”

I brought a hand up to cover my laugh.

“Don’t like people touching her,” Callum retorted sullenly.

“Fucking eejit,” Ash muttered, turning to Pagan. “Excuse my brother. He’s gone loo-lah over his wife.”

Soulful brown eyes studied Callum’s arm pulling me into his side possessively, and Pagan turned to Aislynn, his smile big, white, and dazzling. Thrusting a hand out, his gaze traveled my sister-in-law from top to toe. “I’m Pagan.”

Ash blushed prettily and placed her fingers in his. “Aislynn.”

With his eyes fixated on hers, Pagan brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed them. “Wanna drink?”

More red stained her cheeks, and she nodded shyly.

Callum’s gaze darted between his sister and her new admirer. “For fuck’s sake,” he muttered.

“Leave her alone,” I hissed. “She thinks he looks like Jason Statham.”

Pagan’s grin widened.

Ash’s eyes bugged out and she sent me a glare.

I grimaced