Page 108 of On The Rocks

She was right; Ash stood with Tadhg outside, but there were also two other guys and what looked like a blonde woman with them. Getting to the door, I pulled it open and went to welcomeeverybody, but my greeting died on my lips when I saw who was waiting.

Tadhg walked in first and hissed, “They were at Ma’s when I got there. I messaged you, but you never picked it up.”

Aislynn followed him inside with a murmured, “Congratulations.” She leaned up to kiss my cheek and made a beeline for Maeve at the bar.

My eyes fixated on the two men who walked in, and I let out a curse.

What the fuck were they doing here? Nobody told me they were coming. I was under the impression they were holed up in New York, well away from me, my wife, and my bar.

I eyed Patrick and Liam with a lack of enthusiasm that even they couldn’t miss. My face must’ve said what my mouth didn’t because Patrick clapped me on the shoulder with a soft chuckle.

“It’s okay, son,” he said brightly in his fake Irish drawl. “No need to look so pissed. We’ve just come to show our support for your big, grand opening. You are family, after all.”

It was just like Patrick to turn up tonight of all nights. I should’ve expected it. Of course, he wanted to check on his investment.

Liam came next, armed with his usual arrogant grin and the same old cocksure humor dancing in his eyes. “Evening, Cal,” he crowed. “Lovely night for a hooley. Hope you’ve got enough Guinness in for me. You know how much I like a pint of the aul black stuff.” He strolled past, patting my cheek gently as he went, a wide grin plastered across his over-confident face.

“Hey, Callum.” The sultry voice slithered down my skin.

Fucking great!

A mass of blonde hair caught my eye, and acid bubbled in my stomach when I noticed the scent of the sweet, cloying perfume she always wore.

“I thought I’d come and celebrate your big night with you and my perfect sister.” Blue eyes identical to Patrick’s slipped past me into the room, and she smiled sweetly. “Surprise!”

“Shannon,” I growled.

That was the moment I saw every nasty intention Maeve warned me about. I could see it in the woman’s bored, spoiled expression. She was a bitch down to her bones. Spitefulness was etched into her soul, and there wasn’t a doubt in my mind she was here to cause shit.

My head tipped back, and I prayed silently to the heavens Da would have my back. Tonight was one of the most important nights of our lives; everything depended on it, and the last thing I needed washer,of all people, stirring the pot.

If Shannon Doyle upset my wife, I’d wring her scrawny neck.



Iheard him before I saw him.

“No need to look so pissed. We’ve just come to show our support for your big, grand opening. You are family, after all.”

I pulled back from hugging Aislynn, my ears pricking up at the voice that sounded remarkably like Patrick’s.

Then Liam’s voice hit the ether, and my breath snagged because as much as I loved and missed those two men, I knew their relationship with Callum was contentious at best. Tonight meant everything to my husband, and the last thing he needed was a Patrick Doyle-shaped cloud hanging over his head.

“Oh shit,” Donovan rasped. “Is that...?”

“Maeve!” Patrick bellowed from behind me. “Get over here and give your aul fella a hug.”

I turned toward him and plastered a smile across my face, crying out, “Oh my God! Patrick? Liam? What are you guys doing here?”

Both men’s eyes fell upon me, and their steps faltered.

Patrick’s eyes rounded comically.

Liam’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Maeve?”

I gave them a low wave, suddenly feeling nervous about the change in my appearance. “Hi.”