Page 105 of On The Rocks

“No need to be sarcastic,” I bit back. “This could come back to bite me in the ass.” A muscle ticked inside my jaw. “We’ve already had issues about me keeping stuff from her, like when things got heated with Shannon and then the Saskia bullshit.”

“This is typical of you,” he muttered.

I went to protest, but he held his hand up to cut me off. “It goes back to what we were saying earlier. You’re not a fucking island, Callum. You’re allowed to ask for help. I blame Da; he always drummed it into us that men handle their own shit when in reality, you could’ve gone to Maeve, explained everything, and asked her for help with the whole marriage thing. Bowie was pissed you didn’t go to him for help, too. Regardless of what you say, he would’ve backed you, but he still wouldn’t have given you a free ride. He would’ve sat down and worked out a business plan which could’ve benefitted everybody.”

My head tipped back, and I expelled a breath. “I know, I know. I’ll talk to Maeve tomorrow.”

“Why not tonight?” he questioned.

“The band will be here to set up any second. And the doors open in an hour. We’ve been gearing up for this party for weeks. It’ll keep until I can sit Maeve down and explain everything properly.”

“Right,” he said. “Just make sure you get to her first.”

Voices filtered inside from outside the front doors. My head turned at the sound of somebody rapping on the glass, only to see Carbine outside with a couple of his bandmates.

“Some time today would be good,” he yelled through the glass. “We’re freezing our nuts off out here.”

Donny grabbed the door and held it open as the boys of Dischordium traipsed inside, carrying their gear with them.

“The joint looks fuckin’ awesome,” Carbine said approvingly, looking around the place. “We’ll have the place rocking out in no time.”

I watched as they filed toward the stage and set their equipment down. “Thanks, bro. It turned out sweet.”

“Talkin’ of sweet, how’s the lovely Maeve? Saw her across the street a few days ago, and I gotta say, she’s pretty as a fuckin’ picture. You lookin’ after her? Or do I gotta step in?”

I took a threatening step toward him. “Shut your fuckin’ mouth aboutmy wife.”

Carbine held his hands up, laughing. “Just yanking your chain, bro.”

“Well, fucking don’t,” I clipped.

He clasped me on the shoulder, still grinning. “Nice to see you’re finally takin’ it seriously. Now calm your tits and get me and my boys set up with one’a those addictive beers I’ve heard so much about.”

Stepping back again, I gave Donovan a chin lift, who returned it and made his way to the bar.

“At least I know the reason why you were distant with her initially,” Carbine continued. “What with you marrying her to keep the bar and all.”

My head whipped toward him again, and my jaw clenched so hard I thought it would shatter. “I didn’t marry her to keep the bar,” I gritted out. “You’re talking shite.”

His forehead scrunched, clearly puzzled. “That’s what Atlas said.”

I scraped a hand down my face. “Atlas doesn’t know his arse from his elbow.”

Carbine shrugged casually, reaching for the beer my brother held out.

“Probably best you don’t repeat it,” Donovan advised, throwing me big eyes before he moved across to the stage to hand the other guys their beers. “If Maeve gets a sniff of it, she won’t be happy people are talking shite.”

Carbine winced slightly. “Yeah, I guess not. Not what a girl wants to hear.” He lifted the beer bottle to his mouth, threw his head back, and took a long pull. Eyes widening, he held the bottle up to look at it in the light of the bar. “What the fuck kinda voodoo’s in that? It’s thebomb.”

“I’ll be ready for another one’a those babies in about thirty seconds,” Blue called over before draining his bottle.

“Same,” Styx agreed.

“Looks like we’ll need another round,” Griff declared, propping his guitar up on its stand. “Part of the deal was free beer, right?” He grinned at Carbine. “Well played, Noah.”

Blue picked up his guitar and began to tune it, grinning.

Carbine sauntered to the stage. “So, anything in particular you want us to play tonight?”