“I’ve thought about it,” he admitted. “But I know Maeve’s not cut out for that. She loves reading and researching old shit. She’s never happier than when she’s in welly boots, knee-deep in mud, looking for an old plate from a hundred years ago. I promised her dad on his death bed that I’d break my back to make her happy, and I won’t rest until I’ve fulfilled my vow to him.”
“But me, Paddy?” I reasoned. “Me? Think about it. I’m too old for her. Marriage and kids aren’t even on my radar. All I got is a bar, a ma, and a debt so big it makes my balls shrivel up. What the fuck can I offer her?”
“She’s mooned after you since she was a kid.” He leaned forward, staring me straight in the eyes. “And what my Maeve wants, Maeve gets.”
My head tipped back, and I closed my eyes. “I’m not chattel for you to pass around at your leisure.”
“No,” he agreed. “Nobody’s making you do shit, but remember, your da wanted you to settle down, and he loved Maeve. We’d talked for a while about getting you two together. I know she’s not all glitz and glamor; she’s more than that. Maeve runs deep, and she’s sweet and loyal. I have two blood daughters who I love, but all they care about is their image and their wardrobes. Maeve cares about people. She’ll support you.”
A flash of heat burned through my chest.
Maeve didn’t care about shit, and she certainly didn’t care about trapping a man who didn’t love or want her. Paddy’s other two daughters may have been vain, but they were more my speed. Both Erin and Shannon were society girls who were easyon the eye. I’d almost fucked Shannon once. Luckily, I came to my senses in time and remembered whose daughter she was, but at least if I married her, my dick would get hard.
“What about one of your other girls?” I asked. “I get along well with Shannon.”
Paddy’s lips pursed. “She’s promised to the Russians, and believe me, Cal, six months with her, and you’d be begging me for Maeve. Love Shannon, but she’s a handful, and not in a good way. She’ll do well with Gregor’s son; he’ll get her in hand.”
I swallowed past my distaste at his words. “What about Erin?”
“Promised to the Kelly family in Boston,” he explained. “Plus, she’d bore you stupid. All she talks about is clothes. I know I sound harsh, Callum, but you’ll do better with Maeve. It’s her who needs a husband.”
“Why haven’t you married her off already?” I inquired.
His lips pursed.
“What aren’t you telling me?” I demanded. “Be straight with me.”
Paddy sat back and glared. “Drop it.”
“No,” I argued. “What the fuck?—?"
“Jesus, Callum!” he roared. “I want her away from the life, okay?”
All the tension left my body.
“I get it,” Paddy bit out, his tone softer. “Maeve’s not a raving beauty, but I’m telling ya, she’s gorgeous inside. My girls are spoiled and selfish, thanks to their mother giving in to them at every turn. I raised Maeve, and I’m offering her to you ‘cause I know she’ll be happier out of the life with a man she’s liked since she was a girl. Let her read and study, be kind, listen to what she says, and in return, you’ll get a girl who fucking shines for you, Callum.”
My gut twisted. “But there’s something you’re not taking into account, Patrick. I don’t want her.”
Paddy’s eyes shone with what appeared to be disappointment. “Then we’re done here. You’ve got one month to repay your da’s loan. If you haven’t got the cake, this place goes up for sale. If the sale doesn’t make enough to pay it all back, you’ll need to make up the shortfall immediately. If you can’t do that, we’ll have problems.” He stood, fastened the buttons of his suit jacket, and reiterated, “Again, Callum, sorry for your loss,” then he turned on his heel and walked out.
I waited for the door to close before slumping back in my chair.
Disbelief wasn’t a strong enough word for what I felt at that moment. If somebody had told me an hour ago that my aul fella would stitch my ass up and feed it to Patrick Doyle, I would’ve ordered them their very own straitjacket.
My da loved me, my ma, and my brothers and sister more than life, so what the fuck was he playing at? He’d always told me the bar would be mine, so why would he hand the place over to a man like Paddy?
My thoughts went back to the day my parents sat us down and told us about Da’s illness. He spoke in an emotionless, stoic tone, giving us the facts of what was going to happen. I recalled how Mam had sat there, proud and dignified, with hope shining in her eyes, and it suddenly hit me; that was why. He did it for her because he would’ve done anything for her.
I got it because I would’ve given up everything I had for more time with my dad, so I understood why he gave up everything to get more time with my mam.
The problem was, he’d fucked me over in the process, and the bright future I’d envisaged had gone up in a puff of smoke. I owed more on the place than it was worth, and if Paddy sold itfrom under me, I’d lose my business as well as my home because I lived in the apartment above the bar.
I’d worked here since I was sixteen years old. I’d invested my time, blood, sweat, and tears into the Shamrock. To lose the bar would equate to losing myself.
What the fuck was I gonna do?
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell. Unlocking it, I typed a message into the group chat I had with my brothers.