Saskia’s cheeks may have been stained red, but her expression was one of pure victory. Her lips were set in a smirk, and she brought her nails up to study them as if she was spending a day at the fucking beauty salon.
“Where did you get them from?” I demanded.
Her mouth twisted tighter.
My eyes narrowed to slits. “Right. I’ll go to our lawyer. Kennedy Stone can deal with you. She’ll press charges against your lying ass.”
Something flashed behind her eyes—fear maybe—and she blurted out, “I found them on Callum’s desk. He didn’t even try to hide them.”
Something pinged at the back of my brain, and suddenly, the truth slowly dawned on me. “That’s why you were in the office. You were snooping. There’s no way Callum would leave that shite out on his desk. You went through his personal stuff, didn’t you?”
Her eyes stared straight into mine, but she couldn’t hide her guilty expression. It was so obvious that it may as well have been tattooed onto her damned forehead.
Weirdly, I almost smiled at the thought of Saskia getting one over on mydear husband. It wasn’t like he didn’t deserve everything he got, and as the saying went, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Patrick. Callum, Shannon, and Saskia—they were all as bad as each other. Every one of them was a liar with an agenda.
But it seemed the player got played.
Awww... Shame.
“Look, Sis—” Shannon began.
I skewered her with a glare. “Don’t you Sis me.” My eyes traveled over her face before sweeping down her body. “You wouldn’t know sisterhood if it smacked you in the face. You’re a nasty, mean, spiteful little girl, and if I never see you again, it’ll be too soon.” I leaned forward and bit out, “Give yourself a round of applause because you’ve finally done it. You’ve got rid of me for good. You’ve wrecked my marriage, and you’ve destroyed my family. They’re all yours, Shannon—take it all, but don’t think for one minute that you’ve gotten one over on me. I’ll win at life, but you’ll still be the same vile little bitch you’ve always been.” I looked her up and down one more time. “I hope it was worth it.”
“Maeve...” her hand reached out to stop me, but I shook it off.
She knew in that instant that she’d fucked up big.
“This time, you’ve gone too far,” I informed her coolly. “Do you think your da’s going to let you get away with this stunt? You went out of your way, not only to fuck me over but him, too. Except this time, it’s his business dealings you’ve interfered with, and you know your da takes his business very seriously.”
Her face paled.
My hard stare cut to Saskia. “You have no idea of the shitshow she’s gotten you mixed up in, but you will. The man you’ve fucked over,” I jerked my chin at Shannon, “her da. He’s a fucking crime boss. Patrick Doyle will hunt you down like an animal. Nobody can protect you from what’s coming.”
Saskia’s eyes widened as they cut toward Shannon accusingly. “Patrick Doyle?” she questioned, her tone shocked.
My so-called sister’s eyes lowered, and her pale cheeks reddened.
I turned for the door, pulled my shoulders back, and walked out of there like a queen, even though underneath, my heart was in tatters.
I was slowly dying inside. I could feel every ray of light in my soul fading away and every bit of warmth seeping out of me.
For a while there, I’d had love, and it was everything I’d dreamed of.
Loving Callum O’Shea had changed me on a fundamental level and rocked me to my core. It had turned me from a girl into a woman with needs and wants, and I’d blossomed under its beauty.
I’d blossomed under him.
But now it was gone, and I knew I’d never feel that beauty again. Love like that was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and I’d never get it back.
Really, I should’ve known better; I mean, it was me we were talking about. Of course my happiness wouldn’t last because good things just didn’t happen in my life.
I should’ve known loving Callum O’Shea would eventually lead to my ruin.
My eyes flew open, and I squeezed them closed again as the bright morning sunlight burned my retinas. Without a thought, I reached for Maeve, cracking one eye back open as my hand felt nothing but dead space.