Page 116 of On The Rocks

Ducking my head, I pulled away from her. I’d noticed Liam approach not long after Shannon, and he’d overheard everything she’d said. He caught my eye and shook his head disdainfully.

“Not in this lifetime,” I cut out. “Tell Maeve what you like. I’d rather lose everything than touch a scrubber like you.”

“Callum—” she began but was cut off by Liam barking, “Shannon!”

“I think your sister’s had too much to drink,” I called over. “She keeps trying it on with me, but she knows I’m a married man.”

“So I see,” he bit off.

Shannon’s eyes narrowed on me spitefully before she spun around to face her brother.

“Get your ass back to Maureen’s,” Liam ordered. “I caught your conversation, and you’re out of fuckin’ order. Da won’t be happy you’re getting involved in business that doesn’t concern you.”

“I’m not leaving—” she protested, but he skewered her with a look I’d seen before, the one that made her close her mouth and lower her gaze submissively.

Liam’s jaw tightened, and he said through clenched teeth, “Get your ass back to Maureen’s and get to bed. Sean’s outside waiting in the car. He’ll drive ya.”

“Should’ve known you’d takehisside,” she snapped, her angry stare slashing toward me. “You think you’re untouchable, Callum O’Shea. You think you can do what you want and treat women like slags, then forget about ‘em and move on to the next shiny thing. Well, actions have consequences, and I’m gonna make sure you face yours.”

“Even if it hurts Maeve?” I demanded.

Her mouth twisted into a nasty smile, and she leaned toward me. “Especiallyif it hurts Maeve.” She tossed her hair, turned on her heel, and stormed through the bar.

Liam’s stare followed Shannon. “See what happens when you get off with the wrong sister, asshole? The instant you touched her, you marked your own card.”

“How long have you known about that?” I demanded.

“You think we’re not aware of what happens under our own roof? Jesus, Cal, everybody knows. You’re lucky Da’s given up on her. He’s at the stage where he ignores her antics and hopes it’ll all go away. The problem is, it just makes her crave his attention more. You’re not the first man she’s done this with, but now, because of Maeve, you’re the one she’ll try to take down.” Liam’s mouth thinned, and he shook his head. “The sooner he gets her married off to the Russians, the better. They won’t put up with her shit.”

I scraped a hand down my face. “I don’t understand what Maeve did to her that was so bad.”

“There’s more to every story than people know,” Liam advised me. “Every family has its skeletons. You know this.”

“But what’s it got to do with Maeve?” I demanded. “Shannon’s found out about our marriage deal, and she’s threatening to tell her everything.”

A dark expression crossed his face. “I know. Look, Da won’t be happy. He’ll make Shannon keep her mouth shut, but he’s already left. I won’t get to speak to him until tomorrow. Keep Maeve away from Shannon until I can smooth it over.”

I heaved a frustrated breath at the shitshow my life was turning into. I hated all this cloak-and-dagger shit, even though I knew I’d brought it on myself. “I’m telling Maeve everything first thing tomorrow, but I want her to enjoy tonight. She’s worked hard for this. I wanna give her something good before I admit what a thoughtless dick I’ve been.”

Liam studied me thoughtfully, then his eyes slid over to where Maeve was still dancing. “It’s probably a good idea to come clean. I’ll warn Da there may be some fallout, but I know Maeve will appreciate it more coming from you. She hates dishonesty.”

“Yeah,” I muttered wryly. “I got that.”

There was a lull in the music, and Carbine’s raspy voice came over the microphone. “It’s been a blast, but it’s time for us to wind everything down. This’ll be our last one for the night. Hope you enjoy.”

Liam’s hand rested on my shoulder, and he jerked his chin toward the dance floor, his lips twitching with humor. “You better go see to your wife. Seems she’s got an admirer.”

My head whipped around, and my fingers twitched when I saw Carl fucking Tucker on the dance floor talking to Maeve. Tristan was there, trying to pull her away, but Carl had hold of her elbow and he was motioning for her to dance.

I don’t remember moving toward them; all I could feel was the heat enveloping my chest at the thought of anyone but me touching my woman. Carl Tucker was a fucknut and a wannabe. He worked as a manager at his family’s factory and rubbed shoulders with the hoity-toity assholes who hung at the country club.

The fucker fancied himself as a ladies’ man and had already been married and divorced twice over. He had a son who was turning out to be as big an asshole as him, but then the wee lad had a shite role model.

“Yo!” I barked on my approach. “Get your hands off.”

Carl’s head twisted toward me. “I was here first, asshole.”

My eyes narrowed. “That’s my wife!”