God help me.
Chapter Fifteen
My face jerked up from my desk as two loud raps sounded on the door. “Come in,” I called, placing my pen on the desk and clicking my laptop screen off.
The door opened, and Abe sauntered into my office. “You okay?”
My lips thinned. “What do you think?”
“We’ll get payback,” he stated. “You know it’ll come right; they don’t stand a fucking chance against us, especially now Mason’s gone in.”
Mason passed his tests with flying colors and was sent undercover a few days ago. We hadn’t heard anything from him yet, but we’d told him to only contact us if he had something important to report. I was of the opinion that no news was good news.
“Mase wouldn’t have known they were plannin’ a drive-by on the club,” Abe relayed.
“I know, Abe,” I scraped out. “I know he’d have given us a heads-up but my fuckin’ woman stood in front of my granddaughter to stop the little one from getting a bullet in her head. They made her bleed, brother. She needed fuckin’ stitches, and she’s scarred for life.”
“There’s a lot we have to get payback for, brother. The men are waitin’ in Church, so let’s go and plan. We’ve got some of the best tactical minds in the country: weapons experts, snipers, computer geniuses, and explosives technicians. They’ve got a lunatic for a prez and shitsacks for brothers. There’s no competition, Dagger.”
“I want ‘em annihilated,” I bit out.
Abe grinned. “So, we’ll do that.”
“Then, I want Henderson,” I added.
Abe’s grin widened. “Thought you’d never ask.”
“How’s Tex?” I asked.
“He’ll live,” Abe assured me. “He lost a lotta blood, but Sophie’s pumped it all back in and fixed the internal bleedin’. Luckily, he doesn’t need his spleen.”
“Thank fuck,” I muttered, sitting back in my chair and heaving out a breath. “It’s time to go on the offensive. This is the second time they’ve attacked our compound. They killed Sparky, took Kady, and tried to take Sunny and Cara. We didn’t go after them ‘cause we decided to play the long game, but I’m not takin’ their bullshit anymore. They’re sick fucks who need putting down. Shit’s gonna get real, and soon. Are we ready?”
Abe nodded slowly as he thought over my words. “I’m a peaceful man, John. The reason we’ve always worked well together is ‘cause we both think things through and talk shit over. We’ve both got egos, but not when it comes to this club. I’m gonna be honest with ya; I’ve been ready to take those fuckers out since the day they hurt my Iris. It’s been a long time comin’, but I’m ready, been ready for thirty damned years.”
“We’ve been through a lot together, Abe,” I agreed. “You’re the brother I never had. I trust you more than I trust myself. If you agree it’s time, then we’re doin’ this.”
“People may get hurt,” he pointed out. “Or worse.”
“All we can do is make the risks clear to the boys,” I told him. “If they don’t wanna be a part of it they can leave.”
Abe grinned. “That’s not gonna happen.”
I nodded my agreement. “There’s no man more loyal than a Demon.”
“We’ve got an hour before Big Church in the bar,” Abe informed me, glancing at his watch. “We better move our asses.”
We stood and made for the door, both of us deep in thought about the conversation that lay ahead.
The prospect of an out-and-out war wasn’t something Abe or me relished. Many of the men lived for that shit, but what they didn’t think about were the injuries, even fatalities we’d suffer. Additionally, the women and kids would be in a lot of danger, which was added pressure. We had allies we could call, and we had the Feds on our side with Colt and Stafford and even their boss, but the sheriff’s department would be a big problem.
Walking down the corridor toward Church was akin to walking the plank into shark-infested seas. I knew what I had to do, but for everybody else’s sake, if I could find a peaceful solution, I would.
My problem was, as a club, there was only so much we’d take.
Our honor and name were at stake.