“We need to fill the boys in,” I said, turning to Abe. “The club needs an update. It’s about time we filled everybody in about Elise and what we’ve discovered. We gotta discuss our next steps.”
“On it.” Abe bumped Elise’s shoulder with his. “You did good, Duchess. Almost came to your rescue when John got in your face. The tears were a nice touch. Never could stand to see a woman cry.”
Elise let out a tinkling laugh. “I feel like we finally accomplished something today.”
“What about Kit,” Cash asked. “Did he get in?”
“We kept Henderson and his militia occupied,” I confirmed. “Knowing my boy, he used the time wisely.”
Cash’s mouth twisted with humor. “Let’s hope he sees some shit from the shadows. It’d be sweet if we could take Henderson down without the town turning into the gunfight at the O.K. Corral”
“It helps that he can keep an eye on Stafford, too,” Atlas interjected. “If Henderson suspects he’s a mole, Breaker’ll get the Fed outta there in a jiffy.”
“Then we’re set?” Cash asked.
“Yeah, we’re set, thanks to Elise.” My attention shifted to my woman, who seemed almost embarrassed by the praise we’d piled on her. She was the sole reason we got Stafford back undercover, and I had to give credit where it was deserved.
“He’s a sick fuck,” I announced.
“Well, duh,” she sassed.
Cash busted out laughing.
Atlas chuckled.
“How often did Henderson control your food?” I demanded gently.
Cara’s intake of breath was audible.
Elise rolled her eyes. “Every time he thought his control was slipping. It wasn’t as bad as it sounded. He thought he was starving me, but I used to go to the coffee shop and eat.” She deadpanned. “You know how much I like pastries.”
“Prospect!” I bellowed.
Billy sauntered out of the garage. “Yeah, boss?”
“Get your ass down to Martha’s and buy out all her desserts,” I ordered.
Elise’s eyes bugged out.
I dug into my pocket, pulling out the wallet that was attached to a chain I’d clipped to my belt loop. Cocking my head to one side, I asked my woman, “What are your favorites?”
Leesy eyed the Benjamins I was handing to Billy. “I can’t eat hundreds of dollars’ worth of pastries, John,” she protested.
“You don’t have to eat ‘em all today,” I argued.
“Oh, well, that’s okay then.” She jammed a hand to her hip. “My asswillexpand. I can’t burn it off the same way I could at eighteen.”
“Give a fuck,” I declared. “That fuckhead starved ya. Eat the desserts, Leesy, and stick your middle finger up at Henderson while you do it. You’ve got a bangin’ figure, especially when it’s filled out, and all fantastic hair, tits, and ass. What are ya now? A hundred and twenty? If that? You’re beautiful, but you’ll still be beautiful if you ate somethin’.”
Elise’s mouth parted slightly in surprise, and her green stare bored into mine. Suddenly, her mouth curved, and she beamed up at me. “I’ll take lemon heaven bars and spandauers.”
“Good choice,” Cara called out from behind me. “Lemon heaven bars are the shit. Can I have some, too, John?”
“I’ll share them with you,” Elise called back, her dancing green eyes never leaving mine. “I’ll have hundreds of dollars’ worth to eat my way through.”
I smiled down at Elise, my heart expanding at the pure joy on her face.
Seeing her so happy was like a salve to my soul. Leesy was solid, but Henderson had still somehow conditioned her. He was still controlling her because even here, she didn’t eat enough. At first, I assumed it was because she was recovering from herbeating, but after Henderson let that slip, I could read between the lines.