My forehead creased. “Why?”
He shrugged. “Bring my bike back.”
I watched as Kennedy slid her fingers around his arm. “What the fuck are you up to?”
“Revenge,” he snarled.
A chill ran down my spine. “Son—” I began.
My boy cut me off. “Gonna make sure that sick fuck never sleeps easy again. He’s a boil on the ass of humanity. He took my sister from us for thirty fuckin’ years, and it’s not just about what he did to Soph and Elise. What about all the women and kids he’s hurt? I’m gonna play with him, be a shadow he can sense but can’t see. Gonna be his worst nightmare. I want him so wound up with fear that he can’t think straight. Just gimme a week.”
I studied my youngest boy thoughtfully.
His golden eyes, usually so full of life,were empty. Breaker told me some stories about the things he’d had to do in the military as part of this therapy, but I suspected he’d done way worse than he’d admitted. Something dark had marked my boy’s soul.
He hadn’t come to me with a plan, but it wasn’t exactly a shocker. Kit preferred to work alone, and backup would only slow him down. He was a born soldier and protector but had something dark inside him that needed to be let out and fed occasionally so he could function right.
Kennedy was perfect for Breaker because she understood what he needed and accepted it gladly. She loved every part of her ol’ man, including his dark side. If he told her this was somethin’ he had to do, I had no doubt in my mind she’d have supported him.
Did I like the thought of Kit going it alone?
Hell naw.
But I’d lived a lotta years not believing in my son, and I swore when he went through rehabilitation for PTSD, I wouldn’t let him down again.
Now was the test.
“You gonna kill him?” I inquired as if it was an everyday occurrence.
“No,” he declared. “You are. I’m just gonna torture him.”
My lips gave a twitch.
Kit knew I wanted the kill and wanted it for me, too.
I’d fantasized about all the ways I could snuff out Henderson. I wasn’t a man who treated life like a commodity, but the mayor had robbed me of my woman and my daughter, and he was gonna pay for his sins. He’d screwed with my family for the last time. There wasn’t a universe that existed where I wouldn’t get my revenge.
“Yo!” Atlas’s voice boomed. “We gonna get this show on the road or stand around chattin’ it up all day like the damned Golden Girls?”
I swiveled my neck and yelled, “We were waitin’ on you.”
“Let’s fuckin’ roll,” my SAA shouted.
I jerked my chin, then bellowed, “Prospect!”
Within seconds, Billy appeared from the enormous garage where the bikes were housed. “Yeah, boss?” he called over.
“You’re ridin’ bitch with Breaker,” I announced. “Do exactlywhatyou’re toldwhenyou’re told. You got your weapon with ya?”
A slow grin spread across Billy’s face. “Fuck, yeah.”
“What ya got?” I demanded.
He reached inside his cut and pulled out a sexy black Walther.
Atlas whistled under his breath. “Nice. Is that last year’s model?”
“Yeah,” Billy said proudly.