Page 4 of Dagger

My limbs turned to Jell-O. I sank to my ass, staring at all the damage I’d inflicted. Memories of my dad flashed through my mind, and my head bowed.

I heard a kerfuffle and the racket of Abe herding everybody outside. Then, the click of footsteps echoed through the garage and I felt my bud’s presence.

“What happened?” Abe asked, crouching beside me.

“I let her down.” My head jerked toward the metal. “He did, too. When Bandit assumed her baby was Henderson’s, he got it wrong. Elise was six months along. I knocked her up when she visited me in San Diego. Sophie’s mine.”

“Fuck me,” Abe muttered. “So, where did Henderson Junior come from?”

“He wasn’t Elise’s son. When she went into labor, Henderson forced a C-section on her and took our daughter from her. He used Sophie as leverage for years. Elise hasn’t stopped lookin’ for her. It’s why she stayed with him and a big part of why she got involved with the Feds. She hit a dead end and needed help.”

“Why didn’t she tell you?” he asked. “We could’ve helped.”

“He threatened to kill Sophie if she told anyone. When I got back from Kuwait and went to get Elise, the fucker had a sniper trained on me. My girl lied to make me leave. If she’d have put a foot wrong, Henderson would’ve given the order to shoot me dead. Then I left town and he locked her away and kept her prisoner in her own home for months. I came back, married Adele and had the kids, so she made the decision to go it alone.” My eyes slid to Abe. “Elise called our girl Constance.”

“Jesus Christ,” he bit out.

“Back in the day, we used to talk about our kids and what we’d call ‘em. She kept every promise she made me, brother, whereas I fell at the first hurdle. Took me all of a month to go out and knock Adele up. A fuckin’ month, Abe. So I ask, who let who down?”

“You didn’t know, John,” he pointed out. “You came home after being a POW, and she was married to somebody else with what you thought was their son. She stood silent while Henderson spouted his lies and said nothin’, and okay, I get why she couldn’t open her mouth, but what were you supposed to think?” His hand rested comfortingly on my shoulder. “Take on the shit you did, John. I get why you feel guilty, and I understand, but don’t beat yourself up for the crap you couldn’t help. Henderson took Sophie from both of you.”

I scraped a hand down my face. “How do I explain it to Soph?”

“Just be honest, John. Sophie’s strong; she can take it. Give her the facts and let her work through them.” His gaze lifted over my shoulder, and he jerked his chin toward the door. “Maybe this is as good a time as any.”

I swiveled my neck to see Atlas weaving through the vehicles, his hand clasping Sophie’s.

“Stitch was worried about ya,” he called over. “Thought you two could talk.” My SAA’s expression was curious, but I also saw resignation. Atlas was a beast, and he often gave impression of being a bit slow on the uptake. But in reality, he didn’t miss a thing.

I reached up toward Soph. “Come sit with me.”

She took my fingers in hers and planted her ass on the floor opposite. Her expression was one of confusion, her face pale as she took in the mangled bikes surrounding us. “I assume your meltdown means you’re my dad.”

“Yeah.” My throat thickened. Sophie was my firstborn, and I’d missed every fuckin’ milestone.

Her eyes filled with hurt. “What happened? Why did she give me up?”

“She didn’t,” I informed her quietly. “You were taken from her and used as a pawn to keep her in line. She’s been looking for you since the day you were born. She didn’t give birth to Henderson Junior, Sophie. She birthed you, but Henderson took you and passed Robbie off as hers. Everything Elise has done since the second you were born was to keep you safe and protected. Henderson threatened to hurt you if she didn’t do what he wanted. Your mom sacrificed everything, includin’ herself, for you. She deserves every bit of love and respect you can find in your heart to give her.”

Sophie’s face crumpled. She bowed her head and let out a soft sob.

I went to move toward her, but Atlas fell to his ass and hauled her into his arms.

Reaching over, I covered her hand with mine. My eyes misted over as I watched my daughter bury her face in her husband’s throat and hold on tight.

I rubbed her hand, staying as connected as I could while she cried it out. The last few days had been hard on her, and she needed to purge some emotion. It was a lot for anyone to take in.

Atlas’s meaty hand cupped Soph’s head and held it against his chest as he touched his mouth to her head. His dark eyes met mine, sending a chill through me. “If you don’t sort Henderson, I will.”

My teeth gritted. “No, brother. He’s mine. We’ve gotta war comin’, and he’s gonna feel the full force of it. I’m gonna make his life implode. If he doesn’t bring it to us, we’ll take it to him, but we’re gonna play him at his own game. I’m gonna ruin the bastard.”

His eyes hardened, and he jerked a nod of understanding.

“My mom must’ve known,” Sophie croaked. “He gave me to her. She must’ve been in on it.”

“Baby,” Atlas said soothingly. “You don’t know what happened. Henderson could’ve manipulated her, too.”

“He’s right, Soph,” I concurred. “Henderson’s got two faces. The one he shows publicly and his real one. I wouldn’t put it past him to lie about the reasons he gave you away. He’s a master at taking the heat off himself.”