Page 20 of Dagger

“There was no way they’d blow an operation they’ve been workin’ on for years,” Atlas replied. “Now we know what’s goin’ on, we can plan around it.”

“You can’t get involved any more than you already have,” I stated. “Things are delicate. I’m no longer able to spy on Robert, so it will all be down to Brett now. We need to sit back and let him do what he needs to do.”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” Brett’s voice declared from behind me.

I craned my neck, lips already curving to greet my friend, but the minute my gaze settled on him, my smile froze. “What the hell?”

“Warned ya,” Atlas muttered, getting to his feet to help Brett over.

My jaw dropped as I took in his bruised eyes, broken nose, and swollen jaw. One arm was in a sling, and he walked with such a pronounced limp that he had to lean on Atlas to help him toward the couches.

“Oh my God,” I whispered, shock lacing my tone. “Are you okay?”

His face tensed, but he gave me a nod. “I’ll live.” Slowly, he sank down on the couch beside me. His already pale face turned whiter as he studied my injuries. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help when Henderson attacked you.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” I said reassuringly. “When Robert left that morning, I was all fired up to snoop for the shipping manifest you saw in that meeting. He forgot something, came back, and caught me in his safe, the one I’m not supposed to know the combination for.”

Atlas raised a hand up to stop us. “Wait, what shippin’ manifest?”

“Where they keep their girls before they’re shipped out to buyers,” Colt muttered angrily, positioning his tablet ready for our call with Hannigan.

The screen flickered to life, and I breathed, “Pete.”

Special Agent Hannigan’s gaze flicked over my injuries. “Jesus, Duchess. You okay?”

I smiled reassuringly. “I’m good now. I take it Colt told you about Constance.”

His stare bored into mine, conveying all the emotion he felt for me. “I’m so fucking happy for you, Elise. You deserve it after all this time.”

My smiled widened. “Thanks, but now Henderson knows I’ve been working against him. I can’t go back there. I’m sorry.”

“He’d make you disappear the second you stepped over the threshold of that house, Elise,” Pete confirmed. “Colt can bringyou to D.C. We’ve got safe houses you can stay in, and half the department will step up to protect you.”

“I’m not leaving Const—” I glanced at Atlas “—I mean, I’m not leaving Sophie.”

“It’s too dangerous there, Duchess,” Pete insisted. “You can bring your daughter and her baby with you, at least until we get enough evidence to arrest Henderson.”

Atlas sat forward. His elbows hit his knees, and meaty hands dangled down between his legs, his dark eyes locking on the screen. “Gonna stop ya there. My wife and baby girl are goin’ no-fuckin’-where. I protect what’s mine, and now we’ve got Elise, she’s part of that, too. If she wants to go somewhere safer, she’ll have my blessin’, along with a guarantee there’s always a place for her here as part of my family, but if Elise wants to stay, she’s got my blessin’ for that, too. Never thought I’d say this in a million years, especially to a damned Fed, but I’m appreciative that you looked out for her. What I’m not so appreciative of is that while you had her back, you also put her in the line of fire. The only reason I’m not goin’ gonzo on your ass is ‘cause up until you recruited her, she was alone. You came along, backed her up, and gave her somethin’ she needed, so I’m gonna let the rest of the perilous shit you had her doin’ go. But know this, my ma-in-law won’t be partakin’ in any more Fed missions. She can help, but she’ll do it while she’s standin’ next to me or one’a my brothers, where she’s safe.”

I took a sharp breath, and yet again, tears filled my eyes.

The darkness weighing down my chest for the last thirty years lifted, and I felt light again. Nobody had protected me so fiercely since John, and I didn’t quite know what to do with it. What I did know was that it felt amazing to hear Atlas declaring me part of his family.

Just a week ago, my life was bleak at best. The only thing that had gotten me out of bed every morning was my work with theFBI and their dedication to helping me find Constance. Every morning, I’d wake up and pray it would be the day I found my girl. It was surreal knowing she was in the same building and, above all else, was safe.

The thought of leaving Sophie when I’d only just found her made my chest hurt.

Knowing she had Atlas at her back eased my worry somewhat, but it didn’t weaken the protective instincts I’d had since the day she was taken from me. If anything, finding her and discovering my granddaughter’s existence made me even more determined to take Robert down.

Neither of them would be safe until my husband was out of commission.

I waited for a lull in the conversation before asking, “So, what happens next?”

“I go back in,” Brett declared.

Silence fell over us for a few seconds while we weighed up what that might mean.

I turned to Atlas, “He knows all the key players and their movements. The problem is that Brett being here compromises his cover. He’s done a great job in infiltrating the inner circle, but Robert will suspect he’s talked, which means Brett’s in immediate danger.”