Silence fell over us briefly before Cash said, “We know.”
My eyes caught his. “We’ve got three months to get the handover done. Start thinkin’ about your next steps, including choosin’ your officers. We’ll announce it to the club after the run.”
Cash’s eyes rounded. “Whoa, Pop. Slow your roll. I thought we were gonna do this gradually.”
“We are,” I told him. “Three months ain’t a quick turnaround, Son.”
Cash slumped back in his chair and muttered, “Fuck!”
“I’m leavin’ at the same time,” Abe announced. “You’ll need to find a new secretary.”
Slowly, Cash closed his eyes. “Fuck!” he repeated.
Kit looked between me and Cash. “What the hell’s goin’ on?”
Cash heaved an audible breath. “Dad told me a while ago he was thinkin’ of passin’ on the gavel. We didn’t get into it ‘cause we had to deal with Henderson and the Sinners. You know the rest.”
Atlas’s elbows hit the table. “I knew it was only a matter of time. You’ve been hintin’ for months. I get it, Dagger. It’s hard goin’, and lately, you’ve had more than your fair share of knocks. I’m grateful you got us through this shit with Henderson, though. You saved the day with Spencer, and if you weren’t on that hill, with your M4, coverin’ our asses, I reckon we would’ve lost brothers. You’ve been a great Prez…” his voice cracked and trailed off.
“It’s a young man’s game,” I agreed. “I’m fifty-five years old, and I know I’ve got a lotta years left in me, but I don’t wanna spend ‘em doin’ more of the same thing. When we were kids, I promised Elise we’d see the world. It’s time I kept my word.”
“You doin’ this for her?” Bowie choked out.
“No, Son,” I croaked. “She wouldn’t care one way or the other. I’ve been thinking about it for a year, but I only told her very recently. There are no expectations between us, Gage. All she wants is for me to be happy.” I noticed Kit studying me intently. “You okay, Son?”
“Yeah,” he replied.
“No questions?” I asked.
He grinned. “Nope.”
My chest warmed, and I grinned back at him.
Out of everyone, I knew Kit would get it. He lost Kennedy for nine years and would’ve left Hambleton for Vegas if she hadn’tbrought the kids here while he got treatment for his PTSD at Grand Junction. Our situations were different, but he knew his priorities as well as I knew mine, and he also knew there were things more important than the club.
“I’ve given the best years of my life to the Speed Demons,” I began. “And I’ve loved every minute. But something was always missing, and I don’t think I have to explain to any of you boys how that feels. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for any of you, but I need to step back, hand over the gavel, and retire. I wanna put my woman on the back of my bike and somehow try and get back the years we lost. I can’t do that as president of this club, and it’s not fair on the brothers.” I looked from one face to the next, taking in golden eyes so much like my own, and grinned. “I’ve taught you everything I can, boys; there’s nothing left. It’s time for Cash to pick his officers and make the club his own, the same way I did when Bandit handed the gavel to me.”
Silence fell over us again while my boys considered my words. Eventually, Cash dipped his chin, his eyes meeting mine, and asked, “You’re sure, Dad?”
I dipped my chin back. “Yeah, Son.”
He took a visible gulp, no doubt swallowing down his emotions. “Then we wish you well, Pop.”
“Fuckin’ A,” Atlas rumbled.
“Good luck, Dad,” Breaker said softly.
“Won’t be the same without ya, Pop,” Bowie muttered.
“Thanks, brothers.” My pinkie stretched out to touch the gavel, sitting by my hand. “It’s been my privilege to guide this club, but there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re all ready for this.” My fingers slid toward the gavel, carefully picking it up, and I slowly stood. “We’ll do it in an official way later, but this belongs to you now, Cash.” I held the block of wood out, my chest twisting as Abe also got up from his seat. “I’ll tell you the same thing Bandit told me when I took over. Be good to her, andshe’ll give it back tenfold. Be a cunt, and she’ll give you good, but she’ll also chew you up and spit you out.”
“That old cunt would know,” Abe muttered.
Atlas chuckled.
“Pop,” Cash croaked, his body still and his eyes riveted to the gavel. “You said three months. This is too soon.”
“I’ll be here, Son,” I assured him. “But this is yours now. You gotta have faith in yourself. Jesus, why don’t you get how fuckin’ ready you are?” I felt my eyes misting up. “Take it and make it your own. Have faith, Xander. This is your legacy.” My eyes slid from one face to the next. “It’s all your legacies.”